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STRESSFUL was a word to describe the boy's whole week after the charity gala and hearing that song played by his love again.

jeongguk did all he can to look for her but fate wasn't on his side, fate was toying with the two.

"I don't fucking care what you do, find her!" the boy spat as he threw the stack of papers at the shaking man in front of him, he was angry and stressed out.

"yes sir." he had hired someone to look for her but it has been five days and there was still nothing.

the boy stood up from his desk and looking out the window behind him, staring at the busy city below him.

the boy's phone buzzed loudly, he sighed at the reminder he had set in his phone. he had a blind date today, it was arranged by his mother.

the boy grabbed his phone and walked out his office and down the hallway, once he stepped out from the elevator, people began to turn and stare at their young ceo.

the date was at a small coffee shop nearby his company, just in case something goes wrong in the company.

the boy pushed the glass door and a bell was heard, it was a cute and cosy little coffee shop.

jazz music was playing softly over people mumbling, it was really quiet and peaceful inside the small little shop.

the boy was admiring the shop to notice that he was holding the line, "excuse me sir, you're holding the line." the boy snapped over to the voice.

"sorry." he apologised and ordered, walking away to find an empty table but accidentally crashed into something or someone.

their warm tea had slipped out from the person's hand and it fell onto the floor, splashing the boy's leather shoes when it hit the ground.

the person gasped and apologised, jeongguk on the other hand was shocked and confused.

the girl in front of her had her head down, avoiding eye contact with him. "look at me." the boy's voice came out harsher than he wanted.

it had the person in front of him froze and took a small glance at the boy, "I'm really sorry." her voice was very familiar.

"do you know how expensive these are?" the boy hissed out, annoyed and angry at the same time.

the girl looked up at him with disbelief, "I apologised didn't I?" the girl spat out, she was offended by his rudeness.

the boy was taken aback by the girl's words, he didn't expect her to fight back but he was glad she did because most girls would blush and shy away from him.

the boy watches as the girl mumbled something to herself and glared at him, there was something very familiar about her, he didn't knew why.

a phone ringing made the boy snap out from his daze and took his phone out, the girl had walked out from the shop annoyed and disappointed.

"what?" the boy practically hissed into the phone, a shaky voice answered him. "we found her, sir."

MEANWHILE, the girl stomped away from the coffee shop. she felt like screaming and pulling her hair out from its roots.

she had finally seen him, jeon jeongguk. the boy that she had been trying to avoid and hide from.

"who knew you were such an asshole." the girl ignored her sore heart that was crying for his name and cursed at him.

she was annoyed not only because of the boy but also he had her spill her tea which got her late for work as well.

the girl worked at the same bookstore where the two first met, the bookstore was now her safe place and a place where she could relax.

even though it reminded her of him, but it wasn't the bad memories, it was the happy ones.

"you've changed. that wasn't you, jeongguk." the girl mumbled to herself as she pushes the glass door of the bookstore.

hey, I decided to update today because I was bored and I had an idea so yea.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! thanks for reading!

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