Confide in me

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On the way back to our apartments, we talked. We purposely walked slower than a normal walking pace so we could talk for longer. Brendon was carrying Duke purely out of the fact that he wanted to, not even worried about dog hair getting all over his clothes.

Taking him up on his offer for him and Pete to watch Duke sometimes, we discussed days. I told him about my jobs that are Monday to Friday and the fact that I'm not a big fan on leaving animals alone for long periods of time.

Brendon told me how he and Pete worked in a Vinyl Record Shop with a few other people and the pay wage there was great! He suggested I looked into a job there once Maurice, the owner of the shop, retired due to age. Bren worked Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and Pete worked Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Beebo (he said either choose between beebo or Bren or alternate for he didnt like Brendon) kept reassuring me that Pete would be %100 fine with watching Duke. With their alternating work schedules, it allowed Pete to watch him on Mondays and Fridays, and Bren to watch him Tuesdays and Thursdays.This immediately took a heavy burden off of my chest. Now all I needed was to find someone to watch Duke on Wednesday; preferably for free.

When reaching our apartments, I told him how I was planning on meeting the neighbors next to me. Upon hearing that, his eyes widened and his breath faltered.

"O-ok. Uhmm...good luck with that." Seeing his reaction being this off of his normal self after knowing the intent of my decisions, set alarm bells off in my head.

"Are they not nice? Are they rude hostile dog haters?"

"No. They're just really odd people. Not in an unconventional way either; the creepy unsettling way." *hehe...Way*

"Oh..ok. do you mind watching Duke for a little bit now either in your or my apartment? I can give you a spare key especially because you're going to be watching him for me oh so graciously?"

"Sure in the future that would be helpful. We can do the same for you, but I can take him to mine now and let Pete meet him."

"Ok thank you so much! I'm going to meet them now." Walking closer to Bren, I kissed Duke all over his head saying how much I'll miss him and how much I love him. When finished showering him with love, I glanced up and saw Beebo as red as a tomato. Realizing it was from how close I was to him, I sheepishly backed up and apologized.

"Oh don't be, I don't mind. In fact it was quite cute."

"Oh haha, well I should go meet them now. I'll probably be back in around 10 minutes. Thank you again."

"Ok. Well have fun and good luck! I'll see you soon." With that he opened the door, timidly waving back with the hand helping to support Duke, lounging in his arms, and closed it. Before I even had a chance to walk away, I heard Pete squeal.

"OH MY GOSH IS THAT DUKE WE ARE KEEPING HIM NO MATTER WHAT!" I chuckled to myself, imagining Pete jumping up and down while saying that.

Walking away from the door, I realized that this was it. With all of the thoughts of them either being the worst or the best, I'd learn which neighbor they were. Across the wall that separated our living areas, they seemed decent, but this would be face to face.

I continued to remind myself that if I didn't do this now, it would most likely never happen. Assuming they were home, I could finally put a name and face to those living on the other side of the wall.

Reaching the front of their door, I stood there, just staring at it. There were so many endless possibilities of how meeting them would go.

I'm going to do this. Maybe they'll be free on Wednesday's and be able to watch Duke for me? Well it isn't to late to leave yet. They don't know I'm out here. No. I need to do this! I have no idea how long I'm going to be living here and I want to be able to talk to my next door neighbors!

Reaching my hand out slowly I knocked on the door. I made sure not to knock too quickly and not too slowly for fear of being seen impatient or to laid back. Too late to back out now.

About 3 seconds after knocking, I heard shuffling on the other side of the door. The shuffling was soon recognized as faint footsteps that gradually grew louder; and I heard the latch on the other side of the door unlock.

My breath hitched in my throat, feeling as if something was gripping my throat. The door started to open slowly. Being in such a state of fear and wonder, it felt like time was moving in slow motion. 

Once the door was opened all the way, my heart started racing. Across from me stood a very attractive man, presumably in his late 20's. Being the over dramatic person I am, it felt like time was frozen in place, not that I'm complaining. 

He was a tad  taller than me, yet achieving a goal if he wished to look intimidating although smaller than average height. He was pale; contrasting with his black hair that reached longer than his ears. I saw small holes on him, indicating that he once had piercings. There was one on the side of his nose, and the other underneath his bottom lip. I caught myself imagining what he'd look like with the piercings in them. Most likely make him more attractive than he already is.

 He was wearing a black leather jacket that had the collars flipped up, easily showing off tattoos on his neck. Under the jacket was a Misfits shirt, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. There were a few buttons on the jacket, completely tying his whole I'm a tough guy ensemble together.

As if sensing I was watching him, he furrowed his eyebrows and stared at me with an intense look in his eyes. "Can I help you?", he asked me, sounding almost impatient. This immediately brought me out of my day dreaming of staring at him. 

"Oh um hi. Uh, I am Cassie, you're new next door neighbor. I just wanted to come over and try to meet the neighbors. Is this a bad time?" All the while talking to him, my hands were fidgeting and playing with the hem of Lord Flannigan. Seeing my hand fidgeting nervously his face softened. 

"Oh, ok well hi. My name is Frank, would you like to come inside?"

<I know there's only a few people reading this and I know what it's like to skip over the bottom part whenever the author writes something down there, but thank you for reading and please leave thoughts below.> 

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