Peterick I guess

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grrrr I'm sorry I just saw that 700 words didn't upload last chapter. 😡. I'm going to attempt to recreate those 700 words because I liked them.

"Uh....he is still here....right babe?" I heard Patrick call out. I did my best not to coo once I heard the pet name. 

"Yupp. Why is Cassie here already?" When asking, although the voice was muffled, I heard the tone of sadness in his voice at the thought of Duke leaving to come home to me. 

"Cassie? She's the-" I cut Pat off immediately. I took the perfect action to spring out from behind the doorway and scare him. Both of their eyes widened immediately; the only difference was Pete's opened in amusement and Pat's opened in shock and fear. 

Once seeing the position they were embraced in, I cooed slightly. Patrick was standing with Pete right behind him. His arms were wrapped around his waist, and his chin was resting on Pat's shoulder; causing his face to nuzzle his neck. 

Duke, finally hearing me and realizing I was here,  his head perked up immediately,  and snapped towards where I stood now in front of their open door. He ran over in an instant, and circled my legs like a hungry shark. Not wanting to get even more doused in fur than I usually was 24/7.

<Um, new news maybe? @ang_val02just showed me how the full chapters are showing on her phone? Maybe/ hopefully it's just my account they aren't showing on. 

but PLEASE if you don't see any of these comments at the bottom of the page PLEASE comment about it because I don't know if people can see them or not... Anyways, thanks for reading this and stuff. I apologize for these throubles but it;s being very confusing..... 😕

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