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        A heart monitor beeped slowly from and unknown location. It echoed into the vast space that was the hotels... sacrificing room. The Head smugly whispered into Alyssa's ear as Bethany dangled over the fiery pit of hell. She had passed out from panicking. [Not at the disco of course].

     Max lifted himself up from the rubble and shakily got up to see the scene of many. His eyes went wide. "Why is..." his voice faded away.

   "Why is Bethany hanging?" His voice was scratchy and dry. He could see his sister swaying in the distance. Max took a step toward flinching in pain. The ground was layered in glass.

He continued to walk and cry in pain. His feet were bloody disheveled messes now. Max made it to the far pillar to the left and then collapsed again. "There's...." he began.

   "There's nothing I can do?"


   Heads POV:

    "Alyssa my dear, if I may say that's a brilliant idea you had." The bed rested girl smirked.

     "Anything for Momma," The head hid a laugh.

     "Yes, and your Momma will be relived of her sins as when you complete your mission."

That was a lie. The Head knew it, but Alyssa didn't. She wanted her Mom dead. This was a sneaky way to do so.

The head soon retreated to her office where her only work was to find the brother of her little sacrifice. He had no birth certificates and or documentation. She heard a knock at her door.
  "It's open," she said slowly. The wooden door creaked open to reveal the disgruntled Blonde of Bethany's mother herself.

"Ah, Laura, what a pleasant surprise. Been a little hard and lonely now that your children are.... gone?"

Laura bowed momentarily," Yes my leader, it has been slightly hard. Even for my son. I bet he's having a hard time. Or even w-worse."

The head quietly smiled at her subjects misery. Though something was off.

" Tell me, why have you come here?"

Laura looked up hesitantly and sighed.

"Give my daughter back to me."

The head smirked," I don't have her."

"Then why am I prohibited from going into my own room?"

"Laura she's a child of the devil, no one want those things around."

Laura gave a scolding face," And we all know the father would've done the same thing."

She furrowed her brow," I didn't know it was the demon. Neither did you. Don't drag my daughter in to that."

"You knew who it was damn well woman! Now for the love of everything damn that child now!!!" The Head slapped Laura across the face. She left.

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