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Five years later...

  "And as a babe, the Head of our home- god save her- took you and purified your soul from the darkness." "I know mom, you've told this story like a ba-zillion times!" I said, my six year old lisp faltering my sentence. "My sweet little angle," mum put her soft hand on my cheek, she caressed my hair with the other and kissed my somewhat grimy forehead. She soon pulled away and tucked my into my sleeping bag," goodnight my dear." I thought for a moment as mum walked away. "Mum! You need to sing us the lullaby!" Some one behind me said. I turned over to see my younger brother, Maximillian. "Max! How did you get here so fast?!" I whispered venomously. "I don't know, maybe I was already here!"

"Both of you calm down, I'll sing it. Just for you two," mum said carefully walking over to us. She sat down on our debris ridden beds and pushed back her smokey blond hair. She looked at us lovingly and ruffled Max's hair,"common! Don't keep us waiting." Both of us said- almost jumping out of our pajamas. A small since of pain crawled up my chest, the scar was moving again.

Our mum took a deep breath and began to sing,"

Sleep, sleep, re-est your head;
Close your eyes and go to bed,
The morning with come in great endeavor.

Rest my children, for it is the days end.
We will be free, from all of your troubles, just make sure to dream.

Re-est your head..."

Being almost asleep I felt mum kiss my forehead and heard her kiss Max's. "I love both of you, forever." Mum got off of our sleeping bags and and went to sleep on the other side of the wall that separated us. The dulled ripped crimson walls faded before me, only darkness surround me. I didn't dream of anything, I only heard scraping. Maybe it's a  kitty cat. Or a doggo, poor animals. We're always finding them dead from suffocation or starving. The sound gets closer but farther away at the same time, the scraping sounds like it's hardwood against metal.  Triangle head. I awoke instantly to see in the moonlit twilight- triangle head was carrying his giant meat cleaver. There was something dragging behind it; it was one of our 'sinners'. His head was split in half with the blade itself cutting through his brain. Blood and brain matter was slowly dripping off his head and onto the floor, I let out a small yelp in fear. The devil himself stopped mid-walk, he let out a small painful groan and yell.

I hid under my covers as fear trickled up my back, I began to shake. So uncontrollably, that I couldn't even move my body without hitting something or twitching drastically. I felt a little tugging on my covers, tears were streaming down my eyes now. I looked up from my covers, my vision was blurry I could hardly see anything. I only heard heavy, deep breathing ; I sat up carefully only to see my 'bed' being dragged out of the lobby and almost out of the door. Tears cleared up and I saw triangle head with his back to me.

I clenched my fists hard and dropped out of my bed, with a tiny thump I landed on the dusty old floor and quietly but quickly tip-toed back to  the lobby. It seemed that triangle head didn't notice. I was almost to the main lobby but then I hear rushed heavy foot steps and raspy breathing behind me. Coming up fast and oh so furious. I full on sprinted to the lobby now, as fast as my legs could carry me. The floor began to falter, I triped hard on a crease in the wood. The devil caught up to me and flipped me over- I saw his metal blood ridden head. His patchy flesh pants which were caked with excess skin and bone fragments. He growled a moment wrapped an arm around my tattered night gown and lifted me up to his eye level. I could smell the rot and decay in the demons breath, in the other hand, triangle head lifted his cleaver. I closed my eyes and waited for pain. Nothing came, I heard large steps walk towards the lobby. I felt being held against a leathery object, I opened my eyes. Only to see the ripped and shredded skin of Triangle head. I could see his musky breath and somewhat careful precision through the sleeping crowd. I closed my eyes again as he grunted in pain from his open wounds, I felt my soft sleeping bag and blankets beneath me. The arm had untangled itself from my abdomen and the footsteps plus scraping faded away. I dosed back off to sleep in no time at all.

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