Hi! It's Becca. I'm going to post my blog on wattpad in the hope that you will find some interest in this. First off, questions so you can get to know me. I'll go for some... Easy ones first. 1) Favourite colour? Hmm... Midnight Blue :) (She types looking out the window...) 2) Favourite song? At the moment probably Owl City- Fireflies or any Ed Sheeran song <3 :D 3) Favourite thing to do in free time? Write songs/Listen to music/Watch Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil/Hang out with friends/Sing <3 4) Dream job? Ok... I would love to be an Aurthur... I know that's a stupid thing to hope for but with my fans help... Maybe I could make it.. Anything is possible right? Who knows I might become the thing I've always secretly wanted to be (This Thing Is So Impossible That I Laugh When I Think Of It) 5) Biggest Fail ... Ok so I have been waiting for this... I don't even know... Opportunity If you will... Ok so I screwed up BIG TIME. I always do. Example no 1- Get asked to do something I have dreamed of for ages and ages (Laughing At The Moment (Look At Question Number 4) ... I get embarrassed and say no... *Face Palm* Another thing.... I was playing T or D right? I get dared the thing I have been longing to happen.... I refuse.... -_- Y I NO SEE MY FAILS COMING?!?! 6) Weirdest experience in the last 24 hours.... Well... My brother walked into my room with a bottle of water... Well the next thing I knew something had exploded. My first thought was "CRAP CONNOR HAS EXPLODED!" So I look up to see BLOOD AND GUTS EVERYWHERE! Nah... Just Connor... And you know what I said? "What you still doing here?" As if I expected him to have exploded... My Mind... Turns out his bottle had exploded all over my room :I ... It was funny though. 7) Favourite Lyric? I Wanna Hold Your Heart In Both Hands Not Watch It Fizzle In The Bottom Of A Coke Can - Ed Sheeran- Drunk 8) Favourite type of movie... Horror >:D 9) Vampire Or Wearwolf? VAMPIRE :F I love the taste of blood.... o.O Just telling the truth. 10) Wish? To meet Ed Sheeran OR Dan OR Phil <3 <3 <3
Ok Blog Topic. Olympic Torch. Seriously? I went to see it the other day. The big climax made me get really exited... All the things like Coca Cola van ^_^ That was awesome!!!! And all that other stuff for this tiny thing... I was stood like "Oh you gotta be kidding me!" Nobody knew when it was coming and when it did it was like... TINY! I was expecting some big wopping amazing thing... Then this midget thing come round the corner... So that was a disappointment...
Random thing for you to think about --- Fireflies
Random word Ima make up--- ILDAP ^_^ (I Love Dan And Phil)
Please comment on ideas or subjects you would like me to mention. Any callouts? Anything you want to ask?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bye bye!!
Becca xox :)