Hey guys! Long time no speak.. I guess.
Anyway today I'm just in a sort of ranting mood, and recently I've been hearing racist jokes everywhere..
I don't find racist jokes funny :/ I guess it's because I'm just generally not a racist person but I'll just be walking along and somebody will say something racist and I'll just be stood thinking "How mean is that!?" and everybody else will be on the floor laughing... I don't find it funny. I honestly think, sorry to say this, but that people who tell racist jokes are trying to make themself feel better and more secure by telling a joke that makes others upset... Am I right?
But not just that, it's sexixm too... I don't agree with it either way. Girls say boys are useless... Well excuse me but they work just as much as we do, and maybe sometimes women do the house work but they do to. Well my dad does.. And boys say girls belong in the kitchen but us girls work too! So boys, you can't be sexist about us, because we work too.
So yea... Rant over ;)
Anyway the Stalking part of this is because my teacher (Not mentioning names, I might get into trouble... Lets say they're called MACCY... Ok? Because I went to McDonalds today so you know ;) ) Anyway so MACCY has been typing PUPILS NAMES INTO FACEBOOK!!!!! MACCY has been looking at our profiles and she actually made a POWERPOINT of screen shots of our Facebook pages.... You can think what you want but I think that's too far! So yea we sat in class and she put the PowerPoint up and I wasn't on it (LUCKILY!!) but I was on my friends cover photo D: so anyway then it came to one of my classmate's, and she said "(Name) I don't think I could get onto your photo's-" (AS IF SHE WAS EVEN LOOKING!!! OMG!!!) "Oh yea I could I remember seeing some of yours."
Doesn't anybody think that's just a bit pedo-ish? As if she was actually looking through our pictures... It's a little scary... What if she does this regualy? -.- Seriously... Anyway so the pupils started this thing, which I thought was quite clever really, where they shared a picture saying "Hello MACCY" (Well It was their actual name but of course I can't say their name) and I posted it but I soon deleted knowing they hate me already because of an incident last year that may or may not have involved me telling them that I don't have a clue what newspapers have to do with the lesson!? And you know... ranting about it... :// So anyway then my friend posted a status about it and I commented and basically we were calling her a stalker and all this ... Anyway so I put all this stuff, but I deleted it knowing she will See it all ;) I'm not brave like that you see.. So anyway I got to school and discovered most people had blocked her, so when I got home I blocked her. Seems legit. So now some of the pupils in my year have blocked her. Then she had the NERVE the next lesson to tell us about some creepy pedo's who look at kids profiles... WELL! EXCUSE ME BUT ISN'T THAT WHAT THEY'VE JUST BEEN DOING!?!?!??!?!?! Ohmigud... -.- How dumb can they get!?!?!?
So yea sorry... Rant officialy OVER :D
Moral of this blog chapter: Don't judge somebody else until you're perfect yourself... I guess I can say that, right?
Have a nice week!
Becca xx