Ok so this is going to be like an emotional wreck but I don't care ( << You see, -.- My hormones are telling me not to care about anything at the moment... ._. Well.. That is apart from my friends, who are one of the only reasons I'm not under a rock)
BLAH! Alot has happened. I just... MLEH! It's hard to share what I'm feeling when I don't know how I feel.
I bet all of you are like "Well I am not fanning her..." Or you may be un-fanning but MY FANS (Although they are limited) MEAN THE WORLD TO ME!!!!! :D
If you fan me, you are automatically my Fwend 4eva! ;D
Although my Mom's fanned me so she can see everything I write -.- That's pretty annoying...
Because if my parents didn't check on my writing, I would feel I'd have much more freedome and I'd write A WHOLE LOT MORE.
See that's a thing about me.... I hate being watched. If I was on my own, whatever, lets write emotionally and pour my heart and sole into my writing but if I know somebody I don't want to see is going to see this... I close up. I don't write what I want to write, I end up writing something random instead.
Does anybody get the feeling where you can't show yourself, if you will, to others because you're afraid of what they will say? Well... That's me with my parents. I'm not afraid of what they will say I just feel... Stupid. If they read my writing I want to crawl up on the floor and die. So I don't write too much of what I really want to write.
So on Facebook, say I want to post a status... I can't because they will see -_-
They will probably read this....
Dum de dums
Tuff chums
I'm writing what I feel
I could write a WHOLE lot worse. Trust me O__O
If I wrote my ACTUAL feelings on Wattpad, I think everybody would be like on the edge of your seat, sofa, bed what ever you're sat on, thinking "OH EM GEE! :O Ohhh! She has a Messed Up Head!!!"
So... Sorry for the emotional jig I just did...
My new word
IDTC I Don't Take Crap
^^^ Not anymore! So u better watch out ;D
Becca xxxxxxx