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Min Yoongi_"Settle down!" The 3rd grade teacher motioned to the chalky blackboard behind her that had an image of two shaky stick figures held together by a looping line

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Min Yoongi
"Settle down!" The 3rd grade teacher motioned to the chalky blackboard behind her that had an image of two shaky stick figures held together by a looping line. "Can anyone tell me what this is?"

"It's a red string that holds together soulmates." A little boy with shaggy black hair sitting in the front row of desks explained, lowering his hand.

"It's wrapped around your pinky finger and only you and your soulmate can see it." The boy pushed up his round glasses and looked proudly down at his hand, no doubt following the trail of his own crimson string with his eyes.

"Very good Namjoon," The teacher turned to the blackboard, piece of white chalk in hand, and began to write around the picture in that generic teacher handwriting.

"This string does, in fact connect you to your soulmate. Some people choose to find their soulmates at an early age, while others put it off until they're older-"

The teacher continued with the lesson, talking animatedly to the students. Yoongi heard none of this of course, because he was dozing off at his seat in the back behind a pile of poorly taken care of schoolbooks that were protecting him from the horrors of learning.

Well, he was until he was rudely awakened by a paper airplane.

Taehyung, his obnoxious desk partner, grabbed the paper and started to whisper apologies profusely.

His face was flustered and panicked just enough as he shielded the note on the airplane from Yoongi's view, for Yoongi to get a good guess on just who had thrown that airplane to Tae in the first place.

"Tell Jungkook to fu- I mean buzz off." Yoongi grumbled, rubbing the tired from his eyes and pushing himself up away from the cold desk top, and more importantly away from his sleeping position. There was no way he was gonna get a chance to nap again before the end of class.

They're soulmates for fuck's sake. Can't they just talk after school like everyone else? I bet my soulmate wouldn't-

The screeching bell interrupted his thoughts and everyone began packing up their belongings. The scuffle of desk chairs and chattering of classmates woke Yoongi fully from his after nap daze.

"Remember to do your homework everyone, draw what your soulmate looks like. If you haven't found them yet, draw what you imagine they look like!" The teacher called after the students, who were trying to all push through the door at once. One of them hitting Yoongi in the face with an aluminum lunchbox in the process.

"Fucking hell-" Yoongi grumpily pushed past his school mates and trudged through the hall in the general direction of his cubby, at least he hoped it was.

See, according to his parents and peers, Yoongi had something called the "Don't care" syndrome. He couldn't care less about school, where his cubby was, and not even about his soulmate or who they were.

Hell, he probably won't even do the homework.


"So champ, how was school?" Yoongi's father ruffled his hair with one hand, the other resting on the leather steering wheel of his car.

Yoongi mumbled incoherent words in a distressed tone. His dad took that as a "Terrible, please buy me ice cream" kind of response.

"Frozen treats it is!" He turned the car onto a busy street surrounded with shops and restaurants.

Hey soulmate, if you're listening can you tell me what you look like? I don't feel like imagining today. Yoongi looked out the car window, placing his left hand on the pane and gazing at the crimson thread going from his pinky to who knows where.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a small silver car zooming past amidst the honking and chaos. It was very obviously speeding over the limit, which was pretty high considering the street they were on.

A strange tugging and whip of his string followed the pass of the speeding vehicle. Yoongi's eyes flickered toward it but didn't register what it meant, shrugging it off and removing his hand from the cool glass.

His lips turned down slightly and he let out a long sigh. The cozy warmth of the tan front seat beckoning him back to dreamland and allowing his back to lean into it.

"Thinking about your string kiddo?" Yoongi grumbled and the familiar but rough hand of his father came to ruffle his light brown hair once again.

"You know your mother and I met-"

"Yeah, yeah I know, you met in high school at some lame ass party and hit it off, I've heard that story a million times."

Speaking of his mother, she was the one who bestowed such a potty mouth on Yoongi. She never bothered to censor her words during her fights with his father. Leaving Yoongi to hear everything and inevitably add it to his vocabulary.

For soulmates, they didn't get along very well.

I guess even nature makes mistakes sometimes.

His father clicked his tongue at Yoongi's choice of words, but didn't bother to scold him.

He was used to the practically toddler sized human spewing out profanities like a sailor. As they say, like mother like son.

"We got assigned some homework-"


Police sirens rang in Yoongi's ears. He felt something tugging and tightening around his pinky. Enough to cut off his circulation if like that long enough.

His father slammed down his hand to honk the car horn. "Sorry champ, looks like there was an accident up ahead. It's gonna take a while to get to the parlor." He looked over with flaring nostrils and furrowed eyebrows but wore a tight smile when he met Yoongi's brown eyes. "What were you saying?"

Yoongi's eyes drifted to his left hand, mouth hung open in shock and tears welling up, he watched the once red string shrivel to a charcoal grey color before poofing into flakes.

It disintegrated right in front of him.

It was just... gone.

He sniffed and rushed to wipe his eyes before his father noticed. "Noth-" He cleared his throat to get rid of his whiny tone, "Nothing, I was just saying I wanted cookies n' cream."

I guess I don't have to do the assignment anymore.
Author's note
WOAH, first part of this fic finished!
I'm so excited to write this and I have a ton of ideas for it.
I hope you enjoyed it!❤️

Are there any ways I can improve my writing in this chapter? If you have criticism, any at all, please tell me here so I can fix it!

This is my first book so I don't expect to have perfect writing skills but I want to make it the best it can be. Don't be surprised if there are slow updates at first, I'll try to get faster.

I hope you smile today and eat lots. Rest well and have sweet dreams tonight. -November ❤️

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