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Min Yoongi: 25_

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Min Yoongi: 25

Yoongi was standing on a sparkling beach overlooking crystal turquoise water that waved and glimmered at him. His hair whipped around in the refreshing breeze and he could feel the warm white sand and rocks settling between his toes.

A winding, looping, red wine colored streak sliced through the ocean, traveling closer to him. It gathered a great wave that trailed behind it, soon growing to loom over Yoongi even at such a distance.

On some instinct he lifted his left arm to stretch it closer to the glowing red that zipped toward him. His soft rose lips shifted from a pout to a small grin and the reflections of the sun's rays in the water lit up his eyes.

Soon, his outstretched hand was being weaved through, finger by finger, by the thread. It came to his pinky and wrapped carefully around it, tying itself in a knot for security.

The wave was not far now, it had pulled back the tide so the thin sheets of clear bubbling water were no longer wetting the sand around Yoongi's feet and washing over them gently. Rumbles could be heard from the vast mountain of blue closing in on him.

Yoongi took a timid step back, his foot sinking into the sand, too far, like it was sucking him down to satisfy a strong, panging hunger.

He took another step back, and then another, before breaking into a full sprint with white glimmers being kicked up behind him as he escaped the wave and the sinking sand. Small tears fell down his face and flew behind him, caught in the wind.

Suddenly, the red string tied around his pinky whipped around him, curling several times around his torso and legs. It dragged him back towards the wave, his attempts to fight against it were futile.

He felt the spray of the wave on his neck just before-


"FUCK. OFF." Yoongi yelled in a horse voice before violently smashing his alarm clock to the ground beside his nightstand. This was a more harsh reaction than most mornings since the sound had interrupted his dream.

He rolled to the other side of his comfy ass bed and brought his hands up to his face to rub his eyes. Soft snores were coming from the opposite side of the room, telling him that his roommate, Hoseok, had slept through Yoongi's usual morning outburst. Hoseok didn't usually snore did he? Whatever.

He slid his hands down his face and leaned over the edge of the bed to look at the dented clock waiting for him on the ground.

2:23 P.M.

Only about 30 minutes till his shift started. He sat up and yawned, stretching his hands high above him and swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

That's when he noticed the unmistakeable smell of sex wafting from Hoseok's bed. Ugh, Hobi what the fuck you lil' nasty. At least clean up after, you've had a roommate for what, 4 years now? He thought to himself as he pushed off the bed, exposing his warm feet to the unforgiving cold wood flooring.

Yoongi dragged his feet across the room, spotting another lump under the covers next to Hoseok's passed out body as he walked to the bathroom. A suspicious, long tuft of bleached hair was lain out on a plush white pillow, next to a smaller pile of fiery red hair belonging to Hoseok.

This only confirmed Yoongi's assumption further. His best friend had brought home another girl. The source of the snoring.

Hoseok had no string like Yoongi, except he was supposedly born without one instead of it disappearing. This led to him drunkenly bringing people home from various bars and clubs every other night of the week.

Men, women, even those without a specified gender had come home with Hoseok, all sharing the same two traits. They all were looking for a quick fuck and none of them had a string.

It was more common for people to not have a string than you would think.

Other than making bad decisions, Hoseok studied dance at a local studio and made money by helping teach dance classes.

He was also Yoongi's best friend, which was a full time job in itself.

At least he doesn't leech booze money off of me. Yoongi sighed as he quietly closed the bathroom door behind him. Looking up at a cracked mirror only to find the same pale and tired face as always.

"Lookin good" Yoongi lied to himself as he lazily finger gunned at his grimy reflection. He continued to waste more time by staring at himself and making various expressions.

A quick glance at the clock hung on the bathroom wall behind him reminded him that he had to go to work in 20 minutes. He sped through his usual morning routine of washing his face, fluffing his blonde hair, and brushing his teeth before throwing on his boring work uniform that was laid out on the counter from the previous night of paranoid planning.

Yoongi heard movement and creaking outside the door and decided it was time to get going. Just as he turned the doorknob it swung open towards him, hitting him square in the nose.

He heard a small feminine voice whispering apologies and looked down to see a petite, barely dressed, figure and flushed face bordered with a bleach blonde mane to accompany it. She rushed into the bathroom and tore through the cabinets under the sink looking for a first aid kit.

She was still apologizing under her breath but Yoongi ignored her, only focusing on the dark red liquid slowly dripping from his nostrils. Well shit, this is a great way to start a Monday isn't it?

Tiny, moist hands grasped his arm and pulled his hands away from covering his bleeding nose. Two cotton plugs were then carefully placed in his nose by the sweet young woman, who didn't seem to mind tending an injury of a strange man after waking up in a strange bed that morning.

To each their own I guess.

Yoongi mumbled some short words of thanks before turning and speed walking through the cluttered apartment, leaving the woman to do her business.

At this rate he was going to be late for work, but it wasn't like he was going to be fired for coming in 5 minutes after his shift started.

He jogged into the outdated kitchen and hastily grabbed his keys and wallet, stuffing them into the back pocket of his khaki pants.

Snatching a random protein bar off the counter he headed to the entrance hall and slipped on his loafers by the door.

God, I hate Mondays.

Thus, with that final thought, Yoongi set out the door of his apartment. Equipped with a chocolate protein bar, a blue and white striped polo shirt, and two cotton nose plugs, he was ready to face the day.

The day that would turn his life upside down.

*wipes sweat* Whew! First chapter done!

You guys as excited as I am?

Good morning/night! Have a good day today, sleep well tonight. Dream of your favorite things. ❤️❤️❤️

- November

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