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Min Yoongi

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Min Yoongi


"Jimin, P-Park Jimin"

Even his name is cute huh? It made Yoongi wanna just jump up and squish those softly blushing cheeks of his. Like most people though, he probably had a string and a soulmate somewhere.

"Cute, your partner must be lucky to have you Mr.Park Jimin." Yoongi teased and typed in a number for a product he couldn't seem to scan into the computer. Based on what he had seen of the boy so far, Yoongi assumed Jimin would shy away from the compliment, he chuckled softly at the visual.

However, this was not the case.

Jimin's face drained of color and he visibly drooped like a flower shriveling up from the absence of sunlight. Yoongi, though, was blind to this change, as he was with many other things.

A light breath found its way out of Jimin's mouth. "Wha-What?" He questioned in a whisper. Like he was expecting a totally different reaction out of Yoongi.

Yoongi swiveled his cushy stool slightly towards Jimin and held out his hand. "That'll be $7.76." He said with a coy grin and dead looking eyes, the only glimmer in them being Jimin's beauty reflecting on the brown irises.

Jimin, mouth hanging partly open and eyes stinging, dug around in his pockets for his beat up Spongebob Squarepants wallet and slipping a $10 bill into Yoongi's hand hesitantly.

"Thank ya much." Yoongi slurred, impersonating someone from the countryside in an attempt to cheer up the unhappy mochi standing in front of him, and swiveled around on the stool again to count out change.

Jimin whispered something incoherent under his breath, catching Yoongi's attention. He spun around again, holding the change in a folded up receipt out to Jimin. "Excuse me?" Painting the smile on his face yet again.

"I asked why you have those nose plugs up your nose." Jimin bluffed, looking away from Yoongi's bullshit catching eyes and taking the receipt pouch quickly, shoving it in his back pocket.

Whatever you say princess. "Oh I got hit with a door this morning, no biggie," Yoongi snorted, "It's like I can't see what's right in front of me these days."

Jimin slightly raised one of his eyes brows, letting out an awkward laugh, probably thinking Yoongi was a dumbass, and clutched his left hand, playing around with his pinky oddly.

Yoongi paid no mind and swiped all of the decor pieces into a plastic bag, separated it from the rest and handed it up to Jimin. Adding a "Have a nice day!" automatically with the movement.

The handsome man nodded and speed walked out of the shop, a chime sounding with his exit.

Yoongi sighed and leaned back in his chair.


It was a stool.

He crashed into the concrete on his mid back, pulling down the stool with him with a clang.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK." He yelled with the impact, rolling over off of the stool and feeling his back for the damage.

Vibrations and squeaks of someone's shoes crescendoed in Yoongi's ears. Soon enough Jungkook was leaning over him with a concerned bunny face.

"What happened?" He panicked, "You okay hyung?" Pulling Yoongi up by the hands and helping him to wipe off the dirt from his uniform.

"Yeah- fuck. I think I landed on my finger somehow." Yoongi grimaced, holding his left hand and massaging his pinky finger.

Jungkook looked him over quickly for injuries and then returned to the isles, where Tea Hug or whatever, his soulmate, was waiting for him.

Still rubbing his finger, Yoongi pulled up the stool and sat back down to finish the last stretch of customers before his shift was over. Still thinking about the guy from earlier.

Park Jimin huh? Hm.


Y'all the hixtape killed me. Hobi did so well uhhfghhf.

^ my mood after listening to P

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^ my mood after listening to P.O.P, airplane, and blue side in a row.

Hope (World) y'all stay healthy and hydrated!

-Nove ❤️

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