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Park Jimin_

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Park Jimin

"He sounds dorky already." Jimin replied after a short description of Dr.Kim was given by Tae. "I like it."

Taehyung snorted and pressed the call button on his phone. "Don't get your hopes up, we have to see if he can even help you." He whispered as the phone rang against his ear.

It was in these quiet periods of tedious waiting that peculiar things occurred. For Jimin, this peculiar thing happened to be his string moving.

No, not the "normal" shift in direction or tightening around his left pinky that seemed to happen more frequently as of late, but an upwards movement. It was picking itself up from it's comfortable winding path resting on the shaggy grey carpet of the commons.

It wasn't getting tighter, all the slack was still there, meaning his proclaimed soulmate wasn't growing nearer, so that reason for its increasing height above the ground was ruled out.

The slow ringing of the phone faded out of Jimin's focus, as did Taehyung's deep, rumbling voice rippling through the air once Dr.Kim had picked up the line. All of his mind power was on the string, slowly rising up, now at level with his knee that was crossed over his opposite leg.

An oddity is what Jimin's thoughts called it, nothing more. No emotion was shown in his face as his mind raced with curiosity and the strength of will to find his soulmate, which these days, had been free flowing every hour whether Jimin was conscious or not.

The airborne wine string extended enough slack to drape itself upon Jimin's wrist, slithering its way under his palm that was pressed to his thigh, and looping back around to the beginning of the wrist trail.

Gracefully, the string tied into a tight knot to keep the loop around his wrist together. There were now two places Jimin was trapped by his slowly advancing string.

He had no urge to fight it, no want to pull it off, not even a sneaking suspicion that his string wasn't exhibiting normal behavior.

Jimin accepted it, he felt a kinship with it, one that would take more than a pair of scissors or a broken heart to break.

In the time stopping seconds of this event, the outside view had been Taehyung enjoying a pleasant conversation. Asking questions and sharing laughs with his old buddy. While jimin was entranced by his fingers. A normal scene for a university common lounge this late in the evening.

Let's transition back to reality shall we?

Jimin snapped out of it, shudders running through his body and hands through his golden hair. Taehyung was saying his goodbyes to the other line, giggling as he did so, practically having to pry the phone from the spot on his ear to get himself to end the call.

"So?" Jimin questioned the brunette beside him and rubbed his hands up and down his thighs in a fit of energy.

Taehyung shook himself from visualizing the dreamy times of his childhood and turned to Jimin, "He said he would be able to get you into a special case meeting tomorrow if he finished his normal work on time, if that works for you of course." Taehyung recited, flipping his phone around in his hands before turning down to it again and mindlessly closing his apps.

Jimin nodded and continued to work out the finer details with Tae, who was transcribing it to the scientist in a text for the older.

This meeting would finally get him closer to his soulmate, something he wanted with all his heart. At least, that's what he hoped.


This chapter was going to be long but I cut it short for the confusion and annoyance to set in, also cause I'm tired haha.


Don't die ❤️


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