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[The image is up there due to computer issues.]

Park Jimin


Jimin scooted back in the puke green lobby chair. He had just arrived at Dr. Kim's building and was advised to hang in the waiting area for the scientist to come collect him.

Minutes before, Jimin had been at the arts branch of his university, working his butt off to get ahead on learning next week's choreography. It was only by luck he was able to speed his little ladybug car to the office in time.

He ran a hand through his silky hair to catch any sweat lingering in the roots. The outfit he was wearing gave away enough sweat stains already, he could at least save his hair and attempt to look professional. He tutted to himself and bounced his leg for comfort.

The grey armpit sweat stains on his white tank top weren't the only thing making him uncomfortable and aggravated. The clacking of the receptionists keyboard across the room, the dull grey walls with boring greyscale paintings, even the writer's reluctance to get on with the scene before giving a proper description of the polished floors and plastic ferns in the corners of the room, was making him squirm.

A clack of a door opening brought his attention to the right of his seat, where a man with bleached hair and large, friendly eyes hidden behind thick black Harry Potter style glasses, was waiting for him and using his body to prop open the translucent glass door.

"Park Jimin?" Dr.Kim questioned, looking at Jimin expectantly. Jimin got up, his red string dragging behind him, and followed Namjoon through the door and down a bland hallway, which was decorated the same as the waiting room. They turned into a small office room at the end of the hall.

The office was painted a baby blue and had snowy white carpet, tons of art depicting strings and soulmates filled in the wall gaps between Dr.Kim's many awards and certificates. Jimin took a seat in the plush pastel yellow lounge chair placed in front of the dark wood desk that was filled with papers, books, files, and other miscellaneous craft materials and gadgets.

The scientist maneuvered around the long desk and flipped through stacks of papers on bookshelves and cabinets placed against the wall. Towards the bottom of one stack he found the packet and spun around to face Jimin.

"Let me introduce myself," Dr.Kim started, handing the papers across the desk to Jimin. "I'm Dr.Kim Namjoon, just call me Namjoon, being professional is for nerds." He continued and held out his hand for Jimin to shake. Jimin, preoccupied with looking over the forms, ignored him.

Namjoon awkwardly put his hand away and brushed off his typical, grey, office worker suit. Clearing his throat, he continued, "On that form is just a couple basic questions I need answered to pin down what exactly your string problem is, and how to fix it." He reached over to a mason jar full of writing utensils and pulled out a black inked ballpoint pen.

Handing it over to Jimin, he asked, "Would you like a hot drink perhaps? I can heat up some coffee, tea, or just plain water if that fits your preferences." Jimin, shocked at the politeness and professionalism coming from a man who stated that 'being professional is for nerds' nodded his head for some tea.

I guess I was right, he's a nerd after all. Jimin thought as the scientist left the room for one across the hall, leaving Jimin to fill out the form. Taking a deep breath, he turned his eyes downcast to the page.

The first section only contained basic information, such as name and age. Flipping the sheet over though, Jimin became intrigued at the deeper questions.

Were you born with your string? If not, what age was it obtained?

No, it appeared around 4th grade.

Were your parents born with strings? If not, what age were they obtained?

Jimin raised an eyebrow, not knowing what this could possibly have to do with his problem. He kept going anyway.

No, my mother got her string in college.

What color is your string? Is it tangible?

He brought his left hand over where he was writing and touched his wrist, where the loop had been duplicated, creating three places he was bound by the string. It felt like normal yarn, and he could touch it just fine. Weren't all strings like that?

Red. Yes.

A click of the door someways behind him softly sounded, alerting him that Namjoon had arrived with the drinks. Jimin sped through the rest of the questions, finishing the last 'What type of concerns do you have?' question just as Namjoon got comfortable in the swivel chair across the desk.

They traded items, the forms for the mug of tea, and sat in an oddly suspenseful silence for a moment, before Namjoon broke, like many other things, the ice.

"So, let's get down to the string theory."



Y'all Burn The Stage made me cry -5 seconds before starting the first episode.

Also Stephen Hawking died recently, so I just wanted to acknowledge him because of all the things he did, including developing the string theory. Thanks for the name dude.

Happy Easter! Stay healthy, be productive, look both ways when crossing the street, and don't get into any gangs or alley fights.

-Nove <3

(EDIT: I put Stephen King instead of Stephen Hawking i'm such an idiot lmao)

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