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Park Jimin

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Park Jimin


When they finally arrived at the store, Tae was about ready to explode with excitement. He had been dancing in his seat to the music in the car while Jimin was trying to sulk. Yet that still didn't deplete his energy in the slightest.

Jimin found a parking spot and just as he pulled his keys out of the ignition, Taehyung was already out the door and in front of the shop, leaving Jimin in the dust.

He sighed and slid out of the ladybug like car. Patting the hood of old thing for getting him around all day smoothly before jogging to catch up with Tae along the sidewalk.

They entered the shop, Jimin following just behind Taehyung, the door chime sounding above them and echoing throughout the room.

As soon as Taehyung spotted a tuft of Jungkook's chestnut hair above the shelves labeled 'Paint' he began speed walking across the room with determination.

Jimin stopped in his tracks when he had taken a stride or two inside, letting out a soft gasp as he did.

He slowly lifted his left hand, his heart ready to burst and his eyes welling up with tears.

His string was no longer loose or looping with slack to spare but was as tight as a zip line.

The ruby string was increasing the intensity of its hold on Jimin's pinky finger gradually, squeezing and crushing the skin underneath it.

Could it be?

A salty tear ran down his face, leaving a streak behind it and dropping to the floor in a soft plop.

Jimin knew.

Following the softly glowing, taut string, with his eyes, Jimin's heart couldn't help but fill with utter joy.

There he was, at the checkout counter;

Spinning around on his swivel stool and pulling the softest pout Jimin had ever seen. The wine red string engulfing his left pinky finger, and circling around his body as he spun.

His soulmate.

The sound of rubber converse soles being dragged across the floor was the first thing Jimin registered as his feet headed for the lawn decor isle.

He broke into a sprint once guarded by the stacks of buckets and large display grills. Soon swerving around to enter the desired section.

Arms and hands started to move for themselves, grabbing whatever they could find and throwing them in a plastic basket that another shopper had abandoned earlier that day.

Jimin's mind, still in shock, could only race over the same reoccurring thoughts and ask questions he wouldn't get the answers to.

What was his soulmates name?

How was he so heavenly beautiful?

Why had Jimin been the one to look for him?

Did he even care about meeting Jimin?

Did he want to?

Why on Earth did he have those plugs up his nose?

We're they going to be the lover soulmates or the best friend soulmates?

Strong beating in his chest indicated an answer to the last question, but it was unclear whether his soulmate would even want to love him like that.

People passing by probably thought he was insane or having some type of breakdown, his face was cherry red and his legs were shaking, threatening to collapse under him.

The shock plaguing his mind slowly peeled away, revealing the reality of the situation underneath.

Jimin found his soulmate, and had run away.

He mentally facepalmed himself and attempted to halt his hands from filling up his basket even more. Being a college student with no job, he barely had enough money for this anyway. He was too afraid to return the items to the shelves though, thinking that the occasional stranger walking down the isle or lingering their eyes too long would judge him even more than they already had for his appearance.

Deep breaths Jimin, deep breaths, a calming voice in his head whispered to him. The more he thought about it, the more absurd his reaction seemed. He obeyed the voice and breathed deeply, preparing himself to go meet his soulmate at the checkout counter.

Face somewhat back to normal hue, and body no longer shaking or sweating involuntarily, Jimin strolled out of the isle and to the entry area of the shop.

Running a sweat moistened hand through his blonde locks, Jimin approached the empty counter and lifted the basket, pushing it to the side of the scanner.

The employee started scanning the items one after the other robotically, and occasionally glanced up at Jimin, who avoided any eye contact whatsoever by ducking his head down. The blush was creeping its way back onto his cheeks, and he twiddled his thumbs, wondering who was going to make the first move while trying to ignore the chokehold his string had on his finger.

The man hesitated scanning one of the items before looking up at Jimin once again, "Hey, what's your name?" he questioned, continuing to scan. He must have noticed Jimin's surprise at the question, as a small grin appeared on his lips, his pouty, soft, pink lips.

Jimin took this moment to examine the man a little bit more, observing the ruffled, almost bedhead texture of his bleached hair that made Jimin want to run his fingers through it, and the way his cat-like dark eyes pierced straight through any of the walls Jimin had built up with his insecurities and doubts. He was ethereal really, even the atmosphere around him was magical and felt as if you were being transported through time and space.

He pushed his hand through his hair once again, a nervous tick really. A perfect first impression was always useful, even if you were already predestined to spend the rest of your life with the person you're meeting. A couple chain bracelets he had blindly selected this morning clanged together and slipped down his forearm.

"Jimin, P-Park Jimin." He breathed out, looking him dead in the eyes.

"Cute, your partner must be lucky to have you Mr.Park Jimin." The other chuckled, typing something on the old black keyboard in front of him.

Jimin's heart dropped to his stomach.

"Wha- What?"



I feel so powerful as the author, everything is in my hands. I'm super clumsy though so I hope I don't drop and break everything.

Thanks for reading :)). Take care of yourselves! ❤️


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