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Min Yoongi

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Min Yoongi

Yoongi arrived back at the apartment exhausted and not giving a shit.

His front door practically flung itself open in front of him to avoid his sleep deprived wrath. Familiar smells of home swirled around him in a rush once he stepped inside. He sighed and kicked off his shoes, half trudging half sliding on his socks through the hall.

A sharp turn led him into the kitchen where he heated up some leftover takeout found in the fridge in the microwave. He plucked the nose plugs left over from that morning out of his nose and tossed them into the trash, since he had forgotten to do so before he left work. Looking over a small half wall on one side of the kitchen behind the sink, Yoongi could see Hoseok napping on the plushy blue couch in the living room, some k-drama playing on the tv mounted on the wall in front of him. The current scene consisted of one rather pretty woman beating up a couple men with ease, sending them flying into a construction site of sorts behind them. A bit too silly for Yoongi.

The microwave beeped and he retrieved his half eaten noodles, with pouring himself a sprite right after and moving into the living room couch. Hoseok must have been awakened by the smell of food or the movement of his legs to make room for Yoongi, because the next thing the blonde knew, he was trapped inside a smothering hug, his cheek being pressed up against Hobi's.

"HYUNG! YOONGI! YOONGI HYUNG! YOOOOONGI-" Hoseok yelled, shaking Yoongi back and forth in his grip like an eight year old on a sugar high.

"WHAT?" Yoongi cut him off and pried himself from his sweater paws grip, glad he had put his food on the creamy colored wood coffee table in front of him, Hoseok would have certainly made him drop it all if he hadn't.

"Well for one I'm glad you're back from work best buddy," Yoongi hummed and stabbed his fork into the noodles, Hoseok still clinging onto his free arm. "but I think I did it with an angel last night." Hobi sighed dramatically, obviously prompting Yoongi to ask for details, which he begrudgingly did so.

Hoseok sighed again, laying himself on top of Yoongi's lap to get his point across, and continued. "She and I really had a connection, you know? She was just so sweet and we shared a lot of interests, I even got her number!"

Yoongi turned out his musing, thinking of another angel he had seen earlier that day. Park Jimin, was the most memorable customer Yoongi had met at his boring cashier job. He took another stab at the noodles, stuffing more into his mouth as Hoseok babbled on and played with the fingers on Yoongi's left hand.

At the slightest touch, Yoongi's left pinky was surging with pain. "Shit-" He flinched out of Hoseok's grasp and held his finger, dropping his fork on Hobi's chest and cutting off his ranting.

The red head looked at the older bewildered. "The fuck..? You okay?" He asked, sitting up and setting the fork on top of the almost empty plate, then running a hand through his hair.

Yoongi grimaced, "I fell at work and landed on my pinky and it still hurts like a bitch." Although Yoongi knew that most likely wasn't the reason, he had no other excuse to fall back on, so he kept this one and used it with confidence.

Hoseok, not knowing what else to do, jumped up and sped to the kitchen to get him some ice. The normal dusted peach color was steadily draining from his aching finger and was being replaced with a dull, almost sickly, purple. Like the kind of color you would have on a newly forming bruise or when your circulation is being slowly cut off.

It was weird as hell to Yoongi, he hadn't been doing anything different lately, it couldn't be from a bug or a splinter because he rarely went outside long enough for that. It couldn't be something pinching around his pinky either, because he would see it, right?

His best friend returned quickly bearing an ice pack, and graciously put it around Yoongi's hand for him. Hoseok was the type of be over the top about everything, and if his friend was unwell, he would spare no expense to make him feel pampered like a king. The moment it was comfortably sitting around his pinky, Hoseok was off to get him some other form of comfort, probably a neck pillow or some soup.

Yoongi just sighed and leaned his head back against the throw pillows strewn about his couch. Everything had felt off since he had seen Jimin, and he couldn't seem to get him out of his mind. He didn't know whether it was interest in him or if he just acted that weirdly that he would remember him.

Whatever it was, tonight was the night he was going to be pampered and eventually drift off to sleep. Thinking about questions he would likely never get answers to was just a waste of time. All the determination to find them was nonexistent as well, so it would have to wait.

Someone else was very determined to get answers though, and he wouldn't stop 'till he found them.

S i g h I can't keep promises, don't hate me pls

Anyway hope everyone is having good days, eat lots and stay hydrated! ❤️


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