Chapter Fourteen: Friendly Skies

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Only legit furries get that xD ^^^^^^


DingDing!! "Ladies and gentlefurs, we will be experiencing some slight turbulence as we accend to our cruising altitude, no cause for alarm."
The pilot captain spoke over the intercom. Just after the audible click of the intercom shut off, the plane bounced around slightly in the air. Instinctively Evan jolted against me, whimpering quietly. I felt so bad for him being that scared to fly. Even though the statistics were definitely in our favor for living, sometimes we give in to our natural fears. I gave him a caring kiss on the cheek, causing a dirty look from the doberman in the row across the isle from us. I flipped him off behind my back as I moved my muzzle to Evan's ear.

"Meet me in the back bathroom in five minutes." I whispered, unbuckling myself and walking towards it myself. I smirked a little bit, have to make him happy somehow...


I did as Alex said, looking down at my watch every thirty seconds. I'll admit, I was terrified. [So hard to type while working out] I wish that Alex didn't leave me, and I was confused why he told me to meet him in the bathroom. What were we going to do? I looked down at my watch again, five minutes had passed.

I undid the clasp that held me to the leather seat below me. I rose to my paws but imediately fell back ino the seat from the movement of the plane. This is gonna be hard...

I got back up, this time holding onto the empty seat in front of me. I slowly walked into the isle and towards the back of the cabin, holding the overhead compartments to steady myself as I fought literally 600mph of reverse motion pulling me back. Finally I reached the bathroom door, the occupation slide on red. I knocked twice...softly.

"Is this lavatory occupied?" I asked, hoping for Alex's answer. I saw the red slide to green and the door swung inwards to reveal that cream fur I had grown to love. He pulled me inside quickly and shut the door again.

[Semi-yiff moment, will mark when over]

"Thought I should*kiss*help you*kiss*relieve some stress." He said.

"And how were you thinking of doing that?" I asked, starting to catch his drift.

"Like this..." He whispered, working his way down my torso and manuvering his mouth to fit around my crotch area. I moaned softly as he pressed in and pulled my pants and briefs down to my knees in oneswift movement. By now I was halfway to a full erection, my lil' friend starting to grow larger and larger in Alex's hand as he started pumping. He then did something I had never experienced for myself, just given it. His lips pressed around it, his tongue slowly caressing the head. I could feel the anxiety leaving already...

[I swear this won't become a yiff-only story, just needed to write it in. End of yiff btw]

I looked down at my watch, noting that it had been another five minutes since Alex had left. We spaced it out so it wouldn't look too suspicious. I pulled the door open and walked out. It was a lot easier walking towards the front rather than the opposite, kind of like running on a hill. I crawled over Alex's lap and into my seat, buckling myself in. About an hour passes before Alex does something amazing. He shows me this little switch on the side of my chair that bends the back all the way horizontal to the seat.

"It's for sleeping because we're on such a long flight, don't be afraid to get comfortable." He winks as he pushes his back as well, pulling out a pillow from underneath his chair. I yawned and did the same, laying back and closing my eyes. I had some sleep to catch up on.


I woke up to a paw nudging my shoulder. I growled softly until I realized who it was.

"Wakie wakie sleepyhead." Alex chuckled.

"Why?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes as I sat up.

"We're about to land and you have to be upright."

"We're there already?!" I questioned. That went faster than I thought. Below out the window I could see the city of Milan only illuminated by the lights of the buildings and cars below. I kept looking at the foreign land below me until we came parallel with a runway. I clenched my teeth in anticipation of hitting the ground, waiting a couple seconds longer than I thought until the slam of the front wheels caught me off-guard. I jolted in my seat as the back wheels followed onto the tarmac and we rocketed forward. The noise of the plane speeding along was deafening, and just like that it was over. We taxied over to the gate, and spent the next fifteen minutes slowly shuffling off the aluminum canister I had been stuck in all day. We walked out into the silent airport with the other passengers and down to the baggage claim. Well, what we hoped was the baggage claim, we just followed the crowd because all of the signs were in Italian. We seemed to make it to the right place, finding our suitcases on the baggage line. The doors out were right behind us and when we walked outside the air was fresh and cozy, somehow it seemed different. Alex hailed a cab and we climbed in. I leaned back against the seat as Alex pointed to his phone where his parents lived. Streetlights passed by my vision as I looked out the window, and before I knew it we were giving the cabbie some euros from the currency conversion and were at his parent's place.

It was a nice, older two story home with no lights on inside. Alex reached his paw under the door mat and pulled out a spare key, unlocking the door and holding it open for me. A rush of cold air conditioned air breezed through my fur, causing me to shiver.

"I think the guest room is down here." Alex pointed down a hallway off of the enterence. I couldn't see very well because it was very dark, but I could make out the door he was signalling to so I waddled sideways with my bags. When we got into the small vacant room, we dropped our bags by the door and collapsed on the bed, starting to drift off without getting ready or anything. Now was as good of a time as ever I guess.

"Hey love?" I asked.

"Hm?" He grunted, clearly a step away from falling into the coid of sleep.

"Do your parents know that I am here?"

"Sorta. I told them I was bringing my 'special someone.' Hopefully they aren't pissed that you're a guy." He snickered and then started emitting soft snores. He was out like a light. I rolled over. Hopefully...

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