Chapter Thirty Seven: Welcome Back

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We spent the remainder of our little vacation at the mountain indulging in what else it had to offer. And to be honest, I was surprised at how much there was to actually do with a broken arm. But today it was time for us to depart, ah fuck it. Me trying to sound all poetic or something. Anyways, we were leaving today, whixh made me kind of sad but also relieved to be headed back home.

Now we were driving back, well, Evan was deiving back. Kind of hard to operate a vehicle with one hand. We had left early in the morning as to avoid the usual traffic, and hy early morning I mean about three, when it was still dark out. We passed the time by telling jokes and talking. I can't believe that I ever betrayed this. Every day I still beat myself up over it. But what's in the past is in the past, and there is no way for me to change it. The best I can do is make sure I spend every waking moment of mine left with him. Ah here I go with this poetic shit again. Ugh.

"Well, here's our exit." Evan said, bearing the car to the right and taking the exit with a sign labelled "UCONN."

"Home sweet home."



"Ah I missed this place." I said, dropping my stuff by the door, shutting my eyes, and inhaling deeply, taking in the scent of my dorm. Unfortunately for me, because of Alex's injury I would have to go back down to the car and carry his stuff up as well. When that was all said and done, I was finally able to relax on my couch and do nothing.

"Don't we want to get to unpacking?" Alex asked me, also sitting down on the couch. I closed my eyes.

"Alex." I said.

"Evan." He said back.

"Kindly shut the hell up. I'm tired." I retorted.

"Fine, fine." He replied, grabbing tge remote and turning on the TV. Two hours and a soccer game later we finally decided that maybe it was now time to put all of our stuff away and eat lunch and such. "I'll go check the mail, you get started on the stuff." Alex said, walking out of the dorm and down to the lobby where the mailboxes are. While he was out and doing that I started to put all of our luggage away. Clothes to the dirty pile, tooth brushes and tooth paste in the bathroom, the works. I was in the middle of folding a few shirts in the bedroom when Alex came back upstairs.

"Hey Ev?" Alex called from the living room.

"Yeah?" I asked, poking my head out of the doorway.

"You got a letter. Seems important, it has the state seal on it." He said, flipping through the many envelopes in his paws.

"What? Let me see." I said. Alex handed me a pristine white letter with navy blue lettering printed on the front. Sure as hell, there was my name and the state seal on the front, nothing more. I clawed the envelope open swiftly and pulled out a folded piece of paper. "I-I need to go for a bit." I stuttered, walking towards the door.

"What is it Ev? What's wrong?" Alex asked, concerned.

"Alex, I just need to go." I said, brushing passed him and through the door. On my way down the stairs I pulled out my phone to text the one person in this world who's alive and would understand. Jason.

E: Jason, I need to show you something. Now.

J: Literally a floor below you.

E: I'll be there in a couple of seconds.

I slipped my phone back into my sweatshirt pocket, quickly going down the stairs two at a time until I reached the door to Jason's floor. I tightly clutched the envelope in my paw and knocked furiously on Jason's door. After about two seconds, which were little tiny eternities, Jason swung open his door. I brushed by him and went into the dormitory, where there was suitable light.

"Come read this." I said, extending the letter out to him. He came over, not saying a word and took the letter from me. I watched for about a minute as his eyes darted back and forth across the paper, reading it and then re-reading it again before finally looking me in the eyes, fear apparent.

"Well...shit." He said.



I have no idea what was wrong with whatever was written [Holy alliteration] in that letter, or more importantly what was able to scare Evan like that, but it scared me. Funny how that works, I was scared of something that I knew absolutely nothing about just simply because someone else was. I waited for about ten minutes before Evan came back to the dorm. I blank yet solemn look on his face.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

" father got out of prison."

Bum bum bummmmm!! Hey guys, chapter was a tad short but I had to end it on that line, I'm sorry. I'll get you your blowjob next chapter don't worry lil' horndogs ;).

Hey I need your guys' help kind of desperately. I'm hitting a bit of writer's block, not just with this story but also with the prequel. Please either comment or PM me some ideas sîl vous plait :~:.

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