Chapter Seventeen: Summer

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It was well past nightfall when I had to be at the airport. The two "love birds" needed a ride home so I offered. Wish their arrival time wasn't so late however. I pulled my car in under the extending carport for pickups and saw the both of them waiting with their suitcases. At the sight of me they both moved forward and got their bags packed into the car.  The conversation on the ride back was mainly silent apart from the typical "hellos" and "how was your trip." Everyone was just plain tired. I dropped them both off and drove back to my place, almost crashing into a tree when I slipped out of reality for a second. Damn, sleepy driving is dangerous. [So is looking at your phone. I'm looking at you. You know who you are.]

The next day Alyssa and I planned to have breakfast with the two of them to catch up on things. The local IHop was as good of a choice as any, so we planned to meet there at nine thirty. When I woke up it was nine fifteen.

"Shit!!" I yelled, looking at my alarm clock. I had forgotten to set it the night before because I was so tired and now I had to pick Alyssa up in five minutes. I scrambled about to get somewhat decent clothes on whilst simultaniously combing my fur at the same time. Hard stuff, but I managed to make it out only two minutes late. Alyssa must not have noticed I was running a bit behind, because when I arrived to pick her up she was jumping up and down outside shaking screaming waffles over and over again. [We need a fucking Waffle House above midland United States. All the way up.]

"Excited?" I asked, grinning with an eyebrow raised.

"I FUCKING LOVE WAFFLES." She yelled, making me cover my ears.

"They pulled them off the menu." I said.

"THOSE CUNTS DID WHAT?!" She screamed.

"I'm joking, I'm joking, let's go." She punched my arm, pretty hard too. I hysterically laughed while she told me off for some "emotional distress" or whatever the fur version of a Starbucks barista white girl would say. [Tim Hortons is way better btw]

When we got there Evan and Alex were already sitting in a torn pleather booth together, looking over a menu.

"You bitches better not be starting without us!" Alyssa warned, sliding into the booth all the way to the window.

"What's with you and IHop?" I asked, sitting down next to her. "If I knew you were this crazy about it I'd take you here a lot more often."

"Take me here more and I will do anything for you after. Anything." She casually said while flipping through the laminated menu. Straight to the waffles. A quiet wolf whistle eminated from Evan, causing me to whip my head up and glare at him.

"Shut it you."

"Not while my littler birdie's getting some fu-" He started before Alex placed his paw over his muzzle. Alex used his other paw to point at a group of little pups sitting in the booth in front of us.

"Thank you Alex. At least someone here is also sane." I said.

"Oh hell no, his" he pointed to Evan "little birdie" in air quotes "is getting" finger-through-the-hole immitation of intercourse "and that's hot. I'm just here to censor." He laughed. I was about to say something but my attention was taken by a male mountain lion waiter coming to the side of our table.

"Hi my name's Tim, I'll be bein your waiter today. Is there anything I can get you guys? And gal. Hey there." He winked to Alyssa. I instinctively pulled her closer, intertwining with her cat paw. I gave him a look that read "Mine" and ordered two pancakes. He looked a little defeated as he wrote down my order. Alyssa however, didn't seem to notice anything and imediately ordered herself a stack of waffles. Ten minutes later I'm just spearing the first of my pancakes and Alyssa is halfway through her stack.

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