Chapter 1: Frankel

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                         Frankel was a young colt who had a dream of becoming a race horse. The ranch he lived at didn't do that stuff. They just roped cattle and rode on trails. Frankel wanted to feel the wind in his mane and the dust flying off his hooves. One day that dream came true.

"I can't wait to get a horse." Jamie said. Tim smiled as he parked the car. "You can pick whatever horse you want." Tim said. Jamie hopped out of the truck and started looking around. As they were looking around, a man came over to them. "Welcome, my name is Chris. Are you here to buy a horse?" Chris asked. "Yes, we are." Tim said. "Who is the horse for?" Chris asked. "Me!" Jamie answered with excitement. "Alright, take a look around and if you see a horse you are interested in just let me know." Chris said. Jamie nodded then started searching for the perfect horse. 

Jamie looked down the isle of horses and she came across several that she liked, but one caught her eyes attention immediately. In the last stall, there was a little bay gelding with a white star and four white socks. He was beautiful. Jamie couldn't keep her eyes off him. "Hey boy." Jamie said softly. Frankel nickered. "Honey, did you find a horse you like?" Tim asked. "I love this one." Jamie said. "He is a beauty isn't he? His name is Frankel. He is a very special horse." Chris said. "Can I try him out?" Jamie asked. "Of coarse." Chris said. Jamie smiled. 

Jamie got Frankel all tacked up. She led him to the arena. "It's okay boy. You can trust me." Jamie said as she mounted on top of him. When she lifted her leg on the other side, she gave him a big pat. "Good boy." Jamie said. Jamie squeezed Frankel's sides and they started walking. Jamie was already smiling. Frankel listened to Jamie very well. 

A few minutes later, Jamie decided to try and canter. Jamie squeezed Frankel's sides and Frankel cantered right away. Frankel's canter was fast but it was smooth. Jamie loved it. She couldn't stop smiling. 

"You look great on him." A teenage boy said. He was sitting on the fence, watching Jamie ride. "Who are you?" Jamie asked. "My name is Ben. I am Chris's son." Ben answered. "Nice to meet you Ben, my name is Jamie." Jamie said. Jamie blushed a little bit. Chris and Tim walked over shortly after. "What do you think of Frankel?" Chris asked. "I love him." Jamie said. Jamie dismounted Frankel and gave him a pat. "You want to buy him?" Tim asked. "Yes!" Jamie said in excitement. "Perfect." Chris said. Tim gave Chris the money then they led Frankel to the trailer. "Do you want his tack?" Chris asked. "Sure." Jamie said then picked up the tack and put it in the back of the truck. Jamie loaded Frankel into the trailer then her and her dad drove home. "What do you think mom will say?" Jamie asked. "I think she will love Frankel." Tim said. "I hope so." Jamie said. 

They arrived home and Jamie's mother, Amanda was outside watering the garden. "What's the trailer for?" Amanda asked. "You'll see." Tim said. Jamie led Frankel out of the trailer. "Did you buy her a horse?" Amanda asked. "Yes. She has wanted a horse since she was ten years old. The horse is very sweet. Come and meet him." Tim said. "I don't appreciate you going behind my back and buying my daughter a horse." Amanda said. "Please, give the horse a chance.  Come and meet him." Tim said. "Okay." Amanda said. Tim walked Amanda over to Frankel. Amanda rubbed Frankel's muzzle. Frankel nickered. Amanda smiled. "He is very sweet. I will make an exception." Amanda said. Jamie smiled and hugged her mom. "Thank you." Jamie said. "You're welcome, honey." Amanda said. 

They had an old barn but they never used it. It would be perfect for Frankel for now. Jamie led Frankel to the barn and found him a stall. "Here you go, boy." Jamie said as she took off Frankel's halter. Jamie put the halter up then gave Frankel fresh food and water. "See you later boy." Jamie said then walked out of the barn. Frankel loved his new home, maybe this could be his chance to reach his dream instead of being a laid back trail horse. 

Jamie went inside to eat dinner. "What's for dinner mom?" Jamie asked. "We're having spaghetti." Amanda replied. Jamie sat down at the table. Shortly after Jamie sat down, the food was ready. "Barney, dinner!" Amanda yelled. Barney was the family dog. He was a basset hound. He was old but still acted like a puppy sometimes. Barney quickly ran into the kitchen and started eating his food. Then, they all sat down as a family. "So, what things do you want to do with Frankel?" Tim asked. "Actually, I am interested in the racing industry." Jamie said. "No, no! You're not becoming a jockey! I'm sorry. I am not risking losing my daughter." Amanda jumped into the conversation. "Mom, my dream is to be a jockey. Anything I do with a horse, I could get hurt." Jamie said. "The racing industry is very dangerous, I am not letting you become a jockey." Amanda said. Jamie sat back and took a breath. She understood that her mom was worried about her. "Alright mom, I understand." Jamie said quietly. "Has Frankel ever raced before?" Tim asked. "I don't think so but he is fast." Jamie said. Tim didn't have a problem with Jamie racing. Tim had a plan to get his daughter on the track. 

Jamie finished her dinner then went outside to check on Frankel. "How are you doing, boy?" Jamie asked. Frankel nickered. "What do you think about racing?" Jamie asked. Frankel pricked his ears forward. Frankel had been waiting to hear that. Jamie smiled. "Maybe, in the future we can start racing." Jamie said. Frankel nickered. Could this be Frankel's chance to reach his dream? 

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