Chapter 2: The start of something new

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                                     The next day, Tim woke Jamie up early. It was before Amanda was up. "What are we doing?" Jamie asked. "We're going to get you new tack." Tim said. "For what?" Jamie asked. "Racing." Tim said with a smile. Jamie smiled and gave her father a hug. "Thank you."  Jamie said. "You're welcome, Jamie. I know that racing has been a dream of yours for a long time and I want it to come true." Tim said. "Do you really think  I can do it?"  Jamie asked. "I think if you put your heart into it, you definitely can do it." Tim answered. Jamie smiled. 

Jamie got ready then followed her father out to the car. They picked up breakfast on the way to the tack store. Jamie got two hash-browns and an ice coffee then Tim got a breakfast sandwich and a hot black coffee.   

They finally arrived at the tack shop and they went inside. They took a look at the racing tack and Jamie found the perfect set. Jamie picked out a black racing saddle, as of now she just picked a random red saddle pad, then picked out a black bridle. "You ready to go pay for it?"  Tim asked. "Yes." Jamie said with a smile. Jamie carried the tack over to the register and Tim paid for it. "Let's go." Tim said. Jamie followed Tim back out to the car. They put the tack in the trunk then drove home. "So, when we get home you can try the tack on Frankel and see if it fits." Tim said. "Alright." Jamie replied. 

They arrived home and Jamie grabbed the tack then went to the barn. "Hey boy,  I have some things for you." Jamie said. Frankel pricked his ears forward. "It's racing tack." Jamie said. Frankel nickered. Jamie led Frankel out to a cross tie then started grooming him. "I feel like you want to race, Frankel." Jamie said. Frankel nickered again. It was almost like Jamie and Frankel developed their own language to speak with one another. Jamie finished grooming Frankel then started tacking up. "It actually fits really nice."  Jamie said as she tightened the girth. Jamie grabbed the bridle and put it on Frankel. "Perfect." Jamie said. Frankel nickered again then rubbed Jamie's shoulder. Jamie giggled then gave him a kiss on the muzzle. 

A few moments later, Tim walked in. "Does the tack fit right?" Tim asked. "Actually, it does. It fits perfectly." Jamie said. "That's good. Let's take him out to the field so you can ride him for a few minutes, just to get used to it." Tim said. "Okay." Jamie replied. Jamie grabbed the reins and led Frankel out to the field. Jamie adjusted the stirrups, put the reins over Frankel's head then mounted. Jamie took a deep breath and gave Frankel a pat. "Good boy." Jamie said.  

"Let's start with a warm up." Jamie said softly. Frankel moved his ears towards Jamie. He listened to everything she asked him to do. Jamie squeezed Frankel's sides and they started at a walk. "Good boy." Jamie said. Tim watched by the fence. Jamie did some tight turns with Frankel so he could stretch a little bit. A few minutes later, they started trotting. Frankel started speeding up. "Easy." Jamie said. Frankel went from a trot to a canter. "Woah, Frankel." Jamie said firmly. Frankel started going even faster. He went from a canter to a full gallop. "Slow down." Jamie said getting anxious. Frankel loved the wind in his mane. Jamie usually doesn't have a problem with speed but it was all of the sudden and Jamie wasn't ready. She was afraid she was going to fall off. Jamie's feet started sliding out of the stirrups and Frankel started to feel her sliding. Frankel finally started to slow down. Frankel finally came to a full stop. Jamie took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "That's one fast horse." Tim said. "Tell me about it." Jamie said. 

"Are you alright?" Tim asked. "Yes, I am fine. But I almost fell off." Jamie answered. "I saw that. But did you notice that as soon as you started sliding, Frankel stopped." Tim said. "Yeah, he stopped just for me. He didn't want me to fall." Jamie replied. Jamie dismounted and took another breath. Jamie was shaking pretty bad. Frankel put his head down, he felt like he let Jamie down. Jamie smiled then gave Frankel a hug. "It's okay boy, it's not your fault." Jamie said softly. Frankel pricked his ears forward and rubbed her arm. Jamie giggled. "He is one special horse." Tim said. "He sure is." Jamie replied. 

"I think this horse will be perfect for the track." Tim said. "Are you sure?" Jamie asked. "I am positive. He is fast and he has heart. You both share the passion." Tim answered. Jamie smiled. "You wanna go to the track tomorrow for practice?" Tim asked. "Yes!" Jamie said in excitement. Jamie smiled. This could be the start of something new. 

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