Chapter 15: Confidence

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                               It was Monday morning and it was time for school. Jamie was nervous about seeing Adam again. It was the last thing she needed. "Jamie, the bus is here." Amanda said from down the stairs. Jamie took a deep breath then walked downstairs. 

Jamie grabbed her schoolbag and her lunch box then ran out the door. The bus opened the doors and Jamie climbed in. As Jamie was walking to her seat, she spotted Adam sitting there. "Adam, I sit there. Can you please sit somewhere else?" Jamie asked politely. "We don't have assigned seats." Adam said. The bus driver stood up and faced them. "What's going on?" The bus driver asked. "I sat here because we don't have assigned seats and Jamie was yelling at me." Adam said. "I was not yelling at you, Adam." Jamie said. "Cut it out! Jamie you can sit somewhere else today." The bus driver snapped. Jamie sighed then sat all the way in the back. 

Jamie was quiet throughout the whole drive to the school. They finally arrived and Jamie quickly went to her class. She did not want to go anywhere near Adam. As Jamie rushed to her class, she heard a voice from behind. "Jamie, why the hurry?" The voice asked. Jamie knew who it was as soon as they spoke.  Jamie turned around and faced Adam. "I am going to class which is what you should be doing as well." Jamie replied. Adam laughed. "I am in no rush to sit in that classroom with you." Adam said. Jamie rolled her eyes. "How is that horse of yours?" Adam asked. "He's fine." Jamie replied. "He would be better if he wasn't with you." Adam said with a smirk. Jamie sighed then turned around and continued walking to her class. She knew she just had to ignore  Adam. 

Jamie sat down and got organised. "Hi Jamie, how is your horse doing?" Jane asked. "He's doing good. Our big race is right around the corner and I don't know if I'm ready." Jamie replied. "Don't say that. You and Frankel will be amazing." Jane said. A few moments later, Adam walked in then sat down. Jamie stayed quiet.  


The school day was finally over and Jamie raced outside. "Hi Jamie, how was your day?" Tim asked. "It was fine." Jamie said climbing into the truck. "Why are you in such a hurry?" Tim asked. "I don't want to see  Adam again. I am trying to keep away from him." Jamie replied. "You just have to ignore him." Tim said. Jamie rolled her eyes. That's all she ever heard. "I know a way you can forget all about Adam." Tim said with a smile. "How?" Jamie asked. "We can go to the track.  You need to practice anyway." Tim replied. Jamie's stomach started turning. "You know Samantha might be there." Jamie said. "So? You love the track Jamie. Don't give it up just because of one person." Tim said. Jamie sighed. "Okay." Jamie replied. "We will go home and load Frankel into the trailer." Tim said. Jamie nodded. 


Jamie walked into the barn and grabbed Frankel's halter. "Hey boy. We're going to practice today." Jamie said softly. Frankel pricked his ears forward and started pawing. Jamie giggled. "I know you missed it. I did too" Jamie said. Jamie clipped on Frankel's lead rope then loaded him into the trailer. 

Amanda walked outside to water the plants. "Mom, can you come with us? We're going to practice at the track." Jamie asked. "I am busy today, honey." Amanda replied nervously. "Please mom. I would love some extra encouragement." Jamie pleaded. "Alright." Amanda said with a nervous smile. 

Amanda and Jamie climbed into the truck then Tim drove them to the track. When they arrived, Jamie didn't see Samantha anywhere. "That's weird." Jamie mumbled to herself. Tim parked the truck then Jamie got out to unload Frankel. As Jamie lead Frankel to the cross ties she continued looking. "I don't see Samantha anywhere today." Jamie said. Frankel nickered. "I guess it's a good thing." Jamie said. Jamie put Frankel on the cross ties then started grooming him. 

As Jamie was grooming Frankel, a familiar face walked up. "Ben?" Jamie said in shock. "Hi Jamie." Ben said. "What're you doing here?" Jamie asked. "Me and my father are just getting everything ready for the big race." Ben replied. "Do you want to watch me practice?" Jamie asked. "We're going to be here for a while so, sure." Ben said with a smile. Ben walked to the seats and waited patiently for Jamie to start practicing. 

Jamie tacked up Frankel then lead him to the entrance. "Just be careful, sweetie." Amanda said as she walked to the seats. Jamie rolled her eyes then mounted onto Frankel. "Alright boy, let's go practice." Jamie said nervously. Jamie squeezed Frankel's sides and they went into a steady walk. 

Jamie kept looking and still didn't see Samantha anywhere. "Maybe we can actually enjoy ourselves without Samantha ruining it." Jamie said. Frankel snorted. After ten minutes of warming up, Frankel was ready to run. 

Jamie walked  Frankel over to the start pole. Jamie's breathing got heavier, her heart beat sped up, and she felt like she was going to throw up. Frankel started pawing because he just wanted to run but Jamie wasn't letting him go. "I can't do it Frankel." Jamie said softly. Frankel nickered then pricked his ears towards Jamie so he could listen to her. "All I can think about is falling or you getting hurt and we make a fool of ourselves." Jamie said. 

Jamie kept thinking back to all the horrible things Samantha has done so far. She even thought back to the nightmare that caused her to be this nervous. 

Tim, Amanda, and Ben were confused. They didn't understand why she was just standing there. "Why is she just standing there?" Tim asked. "I don't know." Amanda said. "Let's wait for a few more minutes. She might just be getting herself ready." Ben said. Amanda and Tim nodded. 

Jamie started preparing herself but the more she got prepared the more her nerves got to her. "Let's start out slow." Jamie said nervously. Frankel nickered then went into a trot. Jamie squeezed Frankel into a canter and her stomach started turning. Frankel was getting ready to go into a full gallop but Jamie was too nervous. As Frankel sped up, Jamie pulled back. "Stop. I can't do it." Jamie said. Jamie slowed Frankel down back to a walk then took a deep breath. 

"That was weird. She just stopped." Tim said. "I will go check on her." Ben said. Ben got up and quickly ran down to the entrance. Jamie was heading towards the exit. 

"Jamie, what's wrong?" Ben asked. "I can't do it, Ben." Jamie said. Jamie dismounted then sighed. "What're you talking about?" Ben asked in confusion. "I just don't have the courage I used to have. All I am going to do is make a fool of myself." Jamie said with a tear strolling down her face. "Jamie, you're the best jockey I know. If anyone can do this race, it's you." Ben said. "No, Samantha is the best jockey. Samantha is the one who will win." Jamie said getting angry. "Why are you saying that?" Ben asked. "Because it's true." Jamie said. Jamie started bawling. Frankel nudged Jamie's shoulder to try and make her laugh but all Jamie could do was cry. "Jamie, you let Samantha get in your head. Take her out of your mind. When you're out on that track, all you need to think about is yourself and Frankel. Don't worry about the others. You're a great rider and I know you can do this." Ben said softly. Ben pulled Jamie into a hug. Jamie blushed through her tears. 

"I think I lost all my confidence. Every time Frankel would speed up, the more I got nervous." Jamie said. Ben grabbed Jamie's hands and looked into her eyes. "That was Samantha getting to you. You haven't lost any confidence. It's still there. Now go out there and be the determined Jamie that we all know." Ben said with a smile. Jamie smiled then Ben gave her a leg up back onto Frankel. Ben stood outside of the track and watched. 

"Alright boy, let's do one lap around. We can do it." Jamie said. Frankel nickered. Jamie squeezed Frankel and he immediately went into a full gallop. As they flew around the track, Jamie had the biggest smile. Jamie's nerves flew away. 

The breeze felt so good in her hair. Jamie loved feeling the movement of her horse. She loved the sound of  Frankel's hooves hitting the ground. Jamie's motivation came back in a flash. She missed all of this. These are the reasons Jamie loved to race. 

Jamie and Frankel came around the turn and crossed the finish line. Jamie slowed Frankel down then gave him a big pat. "Good boy, Frankel." Jamie said with a smile. Frankel nickered softly. Jamie walked Frankel back to where Ben was. Ben had the biggest smile and so did Jamie's parents. Jamie dismounted and Ben gave her a hug. "That's the Jamie I know." Ben said. Jamie blushed. 

"Seems I didn't loose all my confidence after all." Jamie said with a smile. "I told you." Ben said. Jamie went back over to Frankel and gave him the biggest hug. "We're ready for the big race and we can prove everyone wrong." Jamie whispered. Jamie kissed  Frankel's muzzle then lead him out of the track. 

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