Chapter 16: A faster horse

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                        It was the weekend and the race was next Saturday. Jamie's nerves got worse each day the race got closer. Jamie walked downstairs to eat some breakfast. "Mom, what're we having for breakfast today?" Jamie asked. "We're having eggs and toast." Amanda replied. Jamie smiled then waited patiently for her food. Amanda placed the plate in front of Jamie then went to make herself some coffee. "Thanks mom." Jamie said. "No problem, sweetie." Amanda replied. 

A few moments later, Tim walked downstairs to make himself some coffee. "Dad?" Jamie asked. "Yes?" Tim asked. "Can we go practice at the track again today? I am still not confident." Jamie asked. "Sure. We will go after breakfast." Tim said. Jamie nodded then continued eating her breakfast. 


Jamie and Tim arrived to the track. As Jamie looked around she noticed someone new on a black stallion. Or at least she thought it was someone new. 

Jamie led Frankel out of the trailer and put him on the cross ties. "I wonder who that new jockey is?" Jamie asked her father. "I don't know. I guess you will find out. But they sure are fast." Tim replied. The jockey and her black stallion were going light speed. "That's fastest horse I have ever seen." Jamie said. "Don't worry about it Jamie. You have the best horse anyone could ever ask for." Tim said. "I know." Jamie said with a smile. Frankel nickered. 

Jamie quickly groomed and tacked up then lead Frankel to the entrance of the track. "Alright boy, let's go practice." Jamie said. Jamie mounted up onto Frankel then started walking. As Jamie was warming up Frankel she heard yelling. 

"Come on stupid horse, faster!" A jockey yelled. It was the jockey on the black stallion.  As soon as Jamie heard the voice, she knew who it was. It was Samantha! "Oh no. Not her." Jamie said. Frankel snorted and started pawing. "Come on boy, let's continue warming up. We just have to ignore her." Jamie said softly. Jamie turned Frankel in the other direction then started at a trot. When Samantha came back around, she slowed down next to Jamie. "Jamie, I didn't know you were coming back. What a surprise." Samantha said with a smirk. "Leave me alone, Samantha." Jamie said. Samantha laughed. "Alright looser, I will leave you alone because I have to practice for the big race that I am going to win. In case you didn't know, this is my new horse Black Knight. He is one of the fastest horses you can find. So, I would give up on that race if I were you." Samantha said. 

Jamie's anger was rising. "I am not giving up, Samantha. You can try all the tricks you have up your sleeve but I will not give up. I am going to be at that race whether you like it or not." Jamie said. Samantha rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You're just going to make a fool of yourself." Samantha said. Samantha whipped her horse then galloped off. Jamie shook her head in disbelief. 

"Why does she treat her horses like that?" Jamie asked herself. Frankel snorted. "I still can't believe that she did that stuff to you." Jamie said. Jamie started tearing up. Frankel hated seeing Jamie sad, so he decided to try and cheer her up. Frankel started speeding up. "Please boy, I don't want to do it today." Jamie said. Frankel ignored Jamie then went into a full gallop. "You really don't listen, do you." Jamie said with a smile starting to form. Frankel nickered. 

As Jamie and Frankel raced around the track, Samantha flew by. It was the fastest Samantha has ever gone. It shocked Jamie so much that she had to slow down. "We won't have a chance next Saturday." Jamie mumbled. Samantha slowed her horse down then trotted over to Jamie. "I told you, looser. I am the fastest and you and your stupid horse will never stand a chance!" Samantha snapped. "You know what Samantha." Jamie said. "What?" Samantha asked. "I don't care if you win. All that matters to me is doing my best. My horse is the best thing I have ever had and as long as we do our best, I have already won." Jamie said. Samantha laughed. "You're funny, Jamie. The only thing to care about in the racing industry is winning, not our dumb horses." Samantha snapped. 

"Our horses are the reason we win." Jamie said. "Exactly." Samantha said not thinking. "But you just said that our don't matter." Jamie said with a grin. Samantha then realized what Jamie did. "Ugh, you looser. Just you wait." Samantha said. Samantha turned her horse in the other direction then galloped off again. Jamie sighed then headed to the exit. 

"Jamie, you weren't out there for very long." Tim said. "I know. I am just tired." Jamie lied. "Alright." Tim said. Jamie dismounted then gave Frankel a pat. Jamie felt discouraged. She didn't want to make a fool of herself but now that Samantha has a faster horse, she may not have a chance. Jamie didn't know what to do. 

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