Chapter 19: Frankel is all better?

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                           The next morning, Amanda went upstairs to wake up Jamie thinking she was up in her bed. When Amanda opened Jamie's door, there was no sign of her. "Jamie??" Amanda spoke. Amanda ran downstairs to find Tim. "Honey, have you seen Jamie? She isn't in her room." Amanda asked nervously. "I think I know where she would be if not her room." Tim replied. "The barn?" Amanda asked. "Yes. She probably stayed with Frankel." Tim said. "Oh my! We have to go check on her!" Amanda said anxiously. Amanda and Tim walked to the barn to see if Jamie was there. 

When they looked into Frankel's stall, they were both sleeping peacefully. "That's what I call a true bond." Tim said with a smile. "That is so sweet." Amanda said calming down. Jamie slowly started to wake up. "Good morning Jamie." Amanda said with a smile. "Morning." Jamie said softly. Jamie yawned then stretched. Jamie stood up waking up Frankel. "Let's see if he eats." Tim said. Frankel stood up and went straight to his grain. Jamie smiled. "Jamie, it's almost time to go to school." Amanda said. Jamie sighed. "Okay." Jamie said. Jamie gave Frankel a big hug then walked inside of the house to get ready. Jamie quickly got dressed then brushed her hair and teeth. Jamie ran downstairs then grabbed her backpack and lunchbox. She quickly ran out to the bus stop and waited patiently. 

Five minutes later, the bus arrived. "Good morning, Jamie." The bus driver said with a smile. "Good morning." Jamie replied with a smile. Jamie walked to her seat and sat down. 

"Ew, does anyone else smell that?" A cheerleader asked. "I do. It smells like a horse." Adam replied. Jamie knew instantly they were talking about her. 

"Why does she like horses anyway?" The cheerleader asked. "I have no idea. Horses are dumb." Adam said. The cheerleader and Adam laughed. Jamie rolled her eyes. 

The bus finally arrived to the school and Jamie rushed to her classroom. As Jamie was heading to the classroom, she noticed Adam talking to Jane. Jamie listened carefully. 

"You little book worm!" Adam yelled with a laugh. Adam yanked Jane's book out of her hands and tossed it on the ground. "Reading is stupid! Why don't you try to be like the normal kids?" Adam asked. Jane didn't reply and was almost in tears. "Awe, did I make the book worm cry?" Adam asked with a laugh. 

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Jamie snapped. "Oh, what are you going to do about it horse girl?" Adam asked. "I will tell the teacher." Jamie said confidently. Adam laughed. "Whatever. You both are losers. The teacher won't believe you because I am her favorite student." Adam said with pride. "Said who?" Jamie asked. Adam thought for a moment. "'s obvious. I have all A's." Adam replied. "Um..then why did you fail our last test?" Jamie asked. Adam didn't reply. "Jane has straight A's and you want to know why? Because she reads. Reading makes you smarter." Jamie said. Adam rolled his eyes. "Whatever. If anyone is dumb, it's you for being in love with horses." Adam snapped. "No, I think the one talking is. Because if you were smart, you would know to walk away." Jamie said. "At least I am not chasing some impossible dream like some people." Adam said. 

"What do you mean her dream is impossible?" Jane asked. "Because, everyone knows that racing is for guys. The best jockeys are guys." Adam said. "Actually, if you knew about racing then you would know that the best jockey is a girl." Jamie said. "Who?" Adam asked with a smirk. "Shows how much you know." Jamie said. "Anyone is better then you Jamie. When you go to that race tomorrow and it's all over tv, I am going to be laughing so hard because all you'll do is make a fool of yourself." Adam said. "Ignore him, Jamie. Let's go to class." Jane said grabbing Jamie's arm. 

"Are you okay?" Jane asked. "Yes, I am fine. What about you?" Jamie asked. "I am okay. Thanks for standing up for me."  Jane replied with a smile. "No problem. Anything for a friend." Jamie said with a smile. "What is that book about?" Jamie asked. "It's about a girl named Kate who gets bullied and starts to lose hope. Then she comes across a horse named Justice who helps her to find her destiny." Jane explained. "That's so cool. Are you into horses as well?" Jamie asked. Jane nodded with smile. "Why don't you ride?" Jamie asked. "My parents would never let me. They're afraid I will get hurt." Jane replied. Jamie knew exactly how that felt. "I kinda know how you feel. My mother has always been paranoid and she never wanted me around horses and she really didn't want me racing." Jamie said. "How did you get her to agree with it?" Jane asked. "Well, my mother didn't know about Frankel until we came back with him. I wouldn't suggest doing that. But the way I got her to agree with me racing is I sat down and talked to her about how much it meant to me." Jamie explained. 

"Do you think if I talked to my mom that she would let me ride?" Jane asked. "There is a possibility." Jamie said. "Thanks Jamie. By the way, how is your horse doing?" Jane asked. "He's doing good. Last night he coliced and I am just letting him rest today. It was a scary night. But he seems better today and I am hoping he will be okay to ride him in the race." Jamie explained. "Just remember that the most important thing is that he is healthy." Jane said. "Of coarse. The only thing I want more then anything is for my horse to be okay." Jamie said with a smile. "Well, we better head to class." Jane said. "Yeah. Let's go."  Jamie said. Jamie and Jane both walked to class together. They became best friends. Jamie's day went great today, Frankel is almost completely back to normal and she made a new friend. She also finally stood up to Adam. Jamie was very proud.

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