Chapter 17: Frankel isn't himself

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                       It was a beautiful Wednesday afternoon, Jamie decided it would be a perfect day to ride her beloved horse, Frankel. Jamie made herself some toast then raced to the barn. "Good morning, boy." Jamie said. Frankel nickered. Jamie put Frankel on the cross ties then quickly tacked him up. As Jamie was putting the girth on, she noticed Frankel acting weird. Frankel would not stand still like he usually does and Jamie noticed that he didn't eat. "What's the matter boy, you're not yourself?" Jamie asked. Frankel pawed and snorted. Jamie pushed it aside and thought maybe he was just having an off day. Jamie finished tacking him up then lead him outside. 

"You ready boy?" Jamie asked. Frankel nickered quietly. Jamie mounted onto Frankel then started warming up. Frankel was acting very nervous and Jamie didn't understand why. Jamie thought maybe he was just eager to run. "You want to run?" Jamie asked. Frankel snorted. Jamie took it as a yes. Jamie squeezed Frankel's sides but he pinned his ears back. "Come on boy." Jamie said. Frankel snorted again then went into a trot. Jamie squeezed again but Frankel wouldn't go any faster. 

Jamie kept trying but the more she tried, the more aggravated Frankel got. Jamie asked one more time and when she did Frankel started to buck. "Woah!" Jamie yelled. Frankel bolted and continued bucking. Jamie lost both her stirrups then when Frankel bucked one last time, she flew off. After Jamie was off, Frankel started to calm down. But not because he was happy, he stopped because he felt terrible. He didn't mean for Jamie to fall off. 

Frankel walked over to Jamie and nudged her shoulder. Jamie was face flat on the ground and wouldn't wake up. Frankel nickered and nudged her again. When Frankel didn't get a response he whinnied really loud to try and get her parents' attention. A few minutes later, Tim and Amanda ran down to the field. "Oh my goodness!" Amanda yelled. 

Amanda and Tim knelt beside Jamie. "Jamie?" Tim spoke. "This can't happen!" Amanda yelled. Amanda had tears racing down her face. "Jamie, please wake up." Tim said softly with a tear. A few moments of silence flew by but all of the sudden, they heard Jamie start to cough. "Is my daughter alright?" Amanda asked nervously. Jamie turned over and opened her eyes. "Mom, dad?" Jamie spoke. "Oh Jamie. We were so worried." Tim said. "What happened?" Jamie asked. "You fell off of Frankel." Tim replied. The memory came back to Jamie and all she could remember was flying off and everything turning black. 

Jamie sat up and took a few breaths. "We have to sell that horse, he is way too much for Jamie." Amanda said. "No! Mom, you can't!" Jamie snapped. "I don't want you riding that horse anymore and I especially don't want you racing anymore." Amanda said with her arms crossed. "Mom, you don't understand." Jamie said with tears forming. "I'm sorry Jamie but I am not going to let my daughter get killed by that horse. I knew this would happen." Amanda said. "Amanda, she loves Frankel and Frankel loves her. You can't do that." Tim said. "Tim, I want that horse to back to his original owners." Amanda said then walked back up to the house. 

"Dad, it wasn't Frankel's fault." Jamie said as she stood up. "I know, Jamie." Tim said. "He isn't himself, I don't think he feels good." Jamie said. "Just put him back in his stall and give him water. He's probably exhausted sweetie." Tim said. Jamie nodded then walked over to Frankel. 

Frankel had his head down and was facing towards the fence. "Frankel." Jamie spoke. Frankel pricked his ears forward then faced Jamie. "It's okay. It's not your fault. I think you're trying to tell me something." Jamie said softly. Frankel nickered. Jamie looked at Frankel's stomach and noticed he was clinching. "That's weird." Jamie said to herself. Jamie lead Frankel back to the barn and untacked him then put him back in his stall. "Here's some water, boy." Jamie said. Jamie poured the water into Frankel's bucket but Frankel wouldn't drink it. Jamie thought maybe he will drink it later.  

Jamie sighed then went back inside. Jamie didn't talk to her parents at all, instead she went straight to her room and laid down. 

Jamie felt something weird was about to happen but she just pulled it off. She slowly fell asleep and started dreaming about racing Frankel. 

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