Chapter 6: Not our day

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Jamie and her parents woke up super early. They woke up around 8:30 in the morning. Amanda made french toast. Jamie sat down with her french toast and her chocolate milk. Jamie quickly ate then went outside to get Frankel ready. Amanda quickly fed Barney then went outside with Jamie.

"Hey boy, today is going to be a big day." Jamie said. Frankel nickered at the sight of Jamie. He was very excited. Jamie grabbed Frankel's halter then put it on him. "Let's go." Jamie said. Jamie led Frankel out of the barn and saw her mother standing outside by the trailer. Jamie led Frankel into the trailer then gave him a kiss. Jamie went back inside the barn to grab her tack.

She grabbed her red saddle pad, black racing saddle, and her black bridle then raced back to the truck. Jamie put her tack in the back of the truck then climbed in along with Amanda. Tim put the truck in drive then they started their way to the track.

Jamie was filled with joy, she didn't know how to react. She could not believe that her mother is allowing her to race. The Green Water track was farther then their home race track. It took about forty-five minutes to arrive. It was 9:25 when they arrived. They climbed out of the truck and Jamie opened the trailer. "Honey, we are going to go sit in the bleachers." Amanda said. "Okay mom." Jamie said as she led Frankel out of the trailer. "Good luck, dear. Please be careful." Amanda said. Jamie giggled. "I will mom." Jamie replied. Amanda smiled then went to go find a seat. Jamie led Frankel to the cross ties. Jamie was breathing deeply. The butterflies started forming in her stomach. Frankel was a little nervous too. This was their first real race. Tim walked over to Jamie with her tack.

"Thanks dad." Jamie said. "You're welcome, Jamie." Tim replied. Jamie looked up at her father. "Dad, I don't know if I can do this. I am very nervous. This is my first time doing a real race. The only thing I ever did was a bet and that doesn't count as a real race." Jamie explained nervously. "Jamie, come here." Tim motioned Jamie towards a bench. They sat down and Tim grabbed a water from the cooler then handed it to Jamie. "It's completely normal to be nervous Jamie. This will be a huge step for you and Frankel. I am very proud of how far you have come. I know you can do this." Tim said softly. "Are you sure?" Jamie asked. "I am positive." Tim replied. Jamie smiled then gave her father a hug. "Thanks, dad." Jamie said. "You're welcome." Tim replied.

Jamie went back to getting Frankel ready. She had to hurry because it was already 9:45. A few feet away stood her most jealous rival, Samantha Waters. She was standing next to a girl with red, curly hair. "Ugh, I can't believe that girl showed up with her flea bag." Samantha said. "Who is that?" The girl asked. "How do you not know who that dumb girl is, Cadence?" Samantha asked in a snobby tone. Cadence was Samantha's best friend. She was popular in school and also had a horse but she wasn't interested in racing. Cadence does dressage. "I am sorry, I have never met her." Cadence said. "She is the girl that beat me in that stupid bet." Samantha explained. "Oh my. How does someone like that beat you?" Cadence asked. "Exactly. No one has ever beat me so how does a girl like that beat me? I will not let that little snob beat me again." Samantha said in anger. "How will you keep her from winning?" Cadence asked. Samantha laughed. "Well, if she falls off her horse she won't win." Samantha said. "How will you make someone fall off their horse?" Cadence asked. "You will see." Samantha replied. Samantha led her horse to the entrance of the track and mounted. "Good luck." Cadence said. "You're funny. I don't need luck." Samantha replied. Cadence didn't respond.

Jamie finished tacking up Frankel then led him to the entrance. "Alright boy, here's our chance to shine." Jamie said. Frankel nickered. Jamie mounted on top of Frankel and took a deep breath. "Alright boy, let's do this." Jamie whispered. Frankel snorted then entered the track.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Green Water track! Today is going to a big day for our jockeys! This will prove their talent and show us who the next champion is. The first people going up today is Jamie Stone on her horse Frankel, Samantha Waters on her horse Thunderstorm, and Gloria Davis on her horse Chester. Please girls enter the ring." The announcer stated.

Jamie went into the gates and Frankel panicked a little bit. "Easy boy, it's okay." Jamie whispered. "Told you that horse isn't meant for the track." Samantha said. Jamie sighed and didn't respond.

A few minutes later, the gates opened and the horses were off. Samantha was immediately in the lead, Jamie right behind and Gloria was way behind. "Come on boy, we can do it." Jamie whispered.

Frankel sped up a little bit more but not enough to get passed Samantha. The horses went around the corner and Samantha started going faster. Jamie noticed that Samantha was using a whip but not the proper way. She was beating her horse with it to make him go even faster.

Frankel started breathing heavy and he started giving up. He thought he was going to lose. He didn't want to let Jamie down. "Come on, please don't give up yet Frankel. We can do this. We're a team, a real team." Jamie whispered. Frankel nickered then went even faster. Jamie's motivation made Frankel want to go the fastest he ever could. Soon Jamie and Samantha were side by side. "You are not going to beat me today." Samantha mumbled. Samantha kicked Jamie's left stirrup off. "Now what are you going to do?" Samantha said with a laugh as she sped up. Jamie tried to slow Frankel down in time but it was too late. Before Jamie knew it, she was laying on the cold dirt.

"Seems like Jamie Stone has taken a serious fall." The announcer said in a concerned voice. The crowd of people ran down to check on Jamie. Frankel had finally stopped but he kept his distance away from the people and had his head down. "Jamie?!" A concerned voice came from the crowd. Jamie opened her eyes and saw her mom knelled beside her. "Mom?" Jamie spoke softly. "Oh my goodness honey, are you alright?" Amanda asked. Jamie coughed a lot before she could respond. "Yeah but I hit the ground really hard. It took the breath out of me but I will be alright." Jamie said through a cough.

A few moments later, Samantha had crossed the finish line. "Looks like Samantha is the winner of today's race. Great ride Samantha." The announcer spoke. Jamie teared up a little. "Honey, what's wrong?" Amanda asked. "I will tell you later." Jamie responded. Tim finally got through the crowd of anxious people. "Oh my. Jamie, are you alright?" Tim asked in a concerned tone. "Yes dad but I just lost my breath for a minute." Jamie replied.

Jamie stood up and dusted herself off. "Where's Frankel?" Jamie asked. Amanda and Tim pointed to where Frankel was standing. Jamie walked over to him with relief. Jamie's biggest fear was Frankel getting hurt. "Are you okay, boy?" Jamie asked. Frankel nickered very soft. "I am alright boy, don't worry." Jamie said. Frankel couldn't face Jamie because he felt so bad. "Frankel." Jamie spoke. Jamie wrapped her arms around her horse's neck and gave him a huge hug. "It's alright boy. It wasn't your fault. The most important thing to me is that we are both okay and we tried our best." Jamie whispered. Frankel let out another nicker. Jamie smiled then kissed his muzzle.

Jamie led Frankel to the cross ties then untacked him. "Jamie, that was still a great ride." Tim said. "Thanks." Jamie replied. "You just have to work on your balance." Tim said. "Actually, the reason I fell is.." Jamie tried to explain but she was interrupted by Samantha. "Awe Jamie, I am sorry about that fall. I am glad you're okay." Samantha said trying to act nice around Jamie's dad. "Samantha, leave me alone." Jamie responded. "I was just concerned." Samantha lied. "Sure." Jamie spoke. Tim just listened to their conversation, he could tell something wasn't right.

"I told you that you will never ever make is to the winners circle." Samantha whispered then walked away. Jamie sighed. "You guys haven't been getting along, have you?" Tim asked. "No. Samantha hates me. She has ever since I beat her in that stupid bet." Jamie explained. "Don't let her get to you Jamie. She is just jealous." Tim said. "I know. Today just wasn't our day." Jamie said. Jamie never got the chance to tell her father what happened.

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