Chapter 10: Practice and enemies

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                              It was a beautiful Monday evening. Jamie finally got dismissed from school and she ran outside to find her dad. Jamie spotted the truck with the trailer hooked up. "Did you already load Frankel into the trailer?" Jamie asked. "Yep so we can just go ahead and go." Tim said. Jamie smiled then started climbing into the truck. Jamie noticed that everyone was staring at her. She looked a little farther and saw Adam and the cheerleaders laughing. Jamie then noticed that Adam started walking over to her. 

Jamie rolled her eyes then sighed. "Is that your horse?" Adam asked with a laugh. "Yes, you have a problem with that?" Jamie replied. "Yeah I do. That horse is the ugliest thing I have ever seen." Adam said. "He is not! He is my everything and I am not going to let you talk trash about my horse." Jamie snapped. 

Adam laughed quietly. "Where you off to?" Adam asked. "We are going to the track so we can practice for the big race coming up." Jamie said. Jamie actually did not mean to say that. It slipped out. She didn't want Adam to know but her excitement got to her. Adam laughed so hard to where the entire school heard him. 

Jamie's eyes went from excitement to anger. "Hey, leave my daughter alone." Tim spoke up. Adam grinned. "I hope you know that we are waiting for you to have another fall again." Adam said. "Hey! I said leave her alone!" Tim yelled. "Yes please." Jamie added on. "You won't make it to that winners circle. Before you do, your face will be in the dirt. You are going to fall off and fail! I hope that happens too!" Adam said. 

Jamie shook her head then hopped in the truck. Tim quickly drove off. "Fall and fail!" Adam yelled as they left the parking lot. "Jamie, has that boy been bothering you for a while?" Tim asked. "Yes." Jamie replied with a tear strolling down her cheek.

"Ignore him, sweetie. You will prove them wrong." Tim said. Jamie put on a weak smile. 

They finally arrived at the track. Jamie got out of the truck then unloaded Frankel from the trailer. Frankel could sense that Jamie was sad. Frankel nudged Jamie's shoulder then whinnied to try and cheer her up. Jamie giggled a little. "I'm sorry boy. I'm just upset about what Adam said to me. What if I can't do this? What if I can't do the big race? What if I never make it to the winners circle?" Jamie started saying. Frankel nickered as if trying to encourage Jamie. 

Jamie sighed then led Frankel to the cross ties. 

Jamie started tacking Frankel up. Jamie's eyes were starting to tear up. As Jamie was putting Frankel's bridle on, Samantha walked by with her horse Thunderstorm. Samantha didn't say anything but she eyed Jamie with anger. 

Samantha walked over to her dad. Samantha's dad was named Kevin Waters. Kevin was very rich and expected his daughter to be the best. "I can't believe that loser is here." Samantha mumbled to her father. "You have nothing to worry about Samantha. You're the best jockey around." Kevin said. "Yeah and it better stay like that." Samantha snapped. 

Samantha mounted her horse then galloped off. Samantha never warmed her horse up. All she cared about was winning. A few minutes later, Jamie entered the ring. She mounted onto Frankel and started warming up. "This probably wasn't a good idea Frankel. I don't think I can do this. I think I might have to quit." Jamie said softly. The sparkle in Frankel's eyes disappeared. He didn't want Jamie to quit. Frankel loved racing and he knew Jamie loved it too. Frankel was not going to let Jamie give up. 

Before Jamie knew it, Frankel had bolted. Frankel sped around the track. A smile started to grow onto Jamie's face. Jamie's heart belonged at the track, she knew she couldn't give up. If she gives up, Samantha wins. "Easy boy." Jamie said softly as she slowed Frankel down. A laugh came from behind her. 

"You call that fast?" Samantha asked. "Leave me alone, Samantha." Jamie said. "Are you going to be in the big race?" Samantha asked ignoring Jamie. "Yes and you can't do anything about it." Jamie replied. Samantha's anger was rising. "I am just going to warn you now. You will not make it to the winners circle. Never!" Samantha yelled. "I will make it, Samantha!" Jamie snapped. "No you won't! You are a disgrace to this track! That flea bag of yours deserves to be dog food! Be ready for some sweet pay back!" Samantha yelled. Jamie was in shock. She didn't know how to reply to that. Samantha grinned then started walking away. "Remember....revenge." Samantha whispered then galloped off. 

"I....I...I" Jamie couldn't get words out. Jamie started walking Frankel over to the exit of the track. Frankel nickered in sadness. Jamie stopped Frankel a few feet away from the exit. "No. I can't give up. I will prove them all wrong!" Jamie said. Jamie squeezed Frankel's sides and they were off. Jamie came side by side with Samantha. "Leave this track now Jamie." Samantha said. "No." Jamie replied. Frankel sped up and soon was a few feet ahead of Samantha. "No, that brat will not beat me!" Samantha mumbled. Samantha whipped her horse as hard as she could causing him to rear up. Samantha slid off the back and landed into the dirt. 

Everyone was silent. Jamie had slowed Frankel down and was shocked. Jamie walked Frankel towards Samantha. Jamie dismounted to check on her. "Samantha, are you okay?" Jamie asked. "No I am not okay! It's your fault I fell off!" Samantha snapped. A few moments later, Kevin and Tim entered the ring. "Samantha, are you alright?" Kevin asked. "No! I need a new horse. Thunderstorm is now a disgrace!" Samantha yelled. "It's not Thunderstorm's fault." Jamie said softly. Samantha stood up and got in Jamie's face. "No, it's your fault! You got in my way causing my horse to freak out!" Samantha snapped. Jamie didn't reply. "Daddy, I want to sell Thunderstorm." Samantha ordered. "'Alright darling." Kevin replied. "No. You can't!" Jamie said. "Jamie, stay out of it." Tim said softly. Jamie sighed then led  Frankel out of the ring. 

"Daddy, you know what horse I want?" Samantha asked after Jamie left the ring. "Who?" Kevin asked. "Frankel." Samantha said with a grin. "Alright honey, I will get whatever horse you want." Kevin said. Samantha and Kevin walked towards Jamie and Frankel. Jamie was untacking Frankel as they came over. "Hey Jamie, could we talk to you for a minute?" Kevin asked. "Sure." Jamie replied. "You have one fine horse and he definitely has potential. He would be perfect for my daughter. Would you consider selling him to us?" Kevin asked. "What the heck. No way! Frankel is my everything." Jamie replied. 

Tim walked over to see what they were talking about. "What's going on?" Tim asked. "They're trying to buy Frankel!" Jamie replied Frankel. "My daughter's horse is not for sale." Tim told Kevin calmly. "I will offer $25,000 for him." Kevin insisted. "No! My horse is not for sale. I wouldn't sell him for the world. He is worth more than gold." Jamie said. "We will let you buy Thunderstorm." Samantha said. "I don't want Thunderstorm." Jamie replied. "Fine. I will just find a better horse." Samantha said. Jamie gave Samantha the death stare. Samantha and her father walked away. 

"Don't worry about them honey, lets go home." Tim said. Jamie nodded then led Frankel into the trailer. Jamie thought this would be the end but Samantha had another plan in mind.

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