Chapter 20: The race

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                                      It was Saturday morning, which means today was the big day. The first thing Jamie did was check on Frankel. She wanted to make sure he was back to health. "Hey boy, how are you doing?" Jamie asked softy. Frankel nickered. Jamie looked in Frankel's food and water bucket and saw it all gone. "Good boy." Jamie said with a smile. Frankel pawed. He was ready for the track. Jamie smiled then grab his halter and lead rope. She put the halter over Frankel's head then clipped on the lead rope and loaded him onto the trailer. 

Jamie quickly grabbed her track, put in the back of the truck, then climbed into the truck with Tim and Amanda. "Mom, Ben said that he will be there and Jane is going to watch it on tv." Jamie said. "That's great, dear." Amanda spoke softly. Jamie's nerves started rising. 


They finally arrived at the track and Jamie was excited but very nervous. "We're going to find seats, hun." Amanda said with a smile. "Okay mom." Jamie replied. "Good luck baby girl, I love you." Amanda said giving Jamie a hug. "I love you too." Jamie replied. Amanda smiled then went to find a seat. "Good luck Jamie. You can do this." Tim said. "Thanks, dad." Jamie said. Tim smiled then followed Amanda. 

Jamie unlatched the trailer then unloaded Frankel. She put him on the cross ties and started grooming. 

"Oh, Jamie you're here." Samantha said from behind with a smirk. "Yeah I am, have a problem with that?" Jamie asked. "Actually, I don't because I know I am going to beat you today." Samantha replied. Jamie rolled her eyes. "I don't care if you beat me, I am here to have fun." Jamie said. Samantha laughed. "Looser. You will never be a real jockey, Jamie." Samantha said. 

A familiar face walked up. "Samantha, leave Jamie alone." Ben spoke. "Why should I? She is just going to make a fool of herself." Samantha replied. "The only one making a fool of herself is you. Jamie has a gift and the best horse here. Even if you win, Jamie is a winner at heart. Jamie doesn't care about the win like you do, she does it because she has a passion for it."  Ben said. Samantha rolled her eyes. "Whatever." Samantha said. Samantha crossed her arms then went back to her horse.

"Thanks Ben." Jamie said with a smile. "No problem. You're going to do great today Jamie." Ben said. "I hope so." Jamie said softly. "Hey, remember you're not here to win." Ben said. "I know, but I want to prove everyone wrong." Jamie said. "You don't have to win in order to prove everyone wrong. The biggest thing is that you are here. That takes a lot of guts. You also shouldn't have to prove everyone wrong, prove yourself wrong." Ben said. Jamie smiled as she tightened up Frankel's girth. "Jamie, I don't care if you win or not. To me, you're the best jockey here." Ben said. "Thank you." Jamie said starting to blush.  

Jamie put Frankel's bridle on then led him to the entrance. Ben followed. Ben gave Jamie a leg up. "Jamie, all you need to do today in order to prove yourself wrong is trust yourself but most importantly trust Frankel. He is the reason you are here. Frankel loves you and he is going to do his best for you." Ben said with a smile giving Frankel a pat. Jamie smiled. "You're right Ben. Thank you." Jamie said. "No problem. Good luck Jamie. You can do this. You and Frankel are the best team here. You have each other's backs." Ben said. Jamie smiled and nodded in agreement. Ben then went to go find a seat. 

The rest of the jockeys lined up and waited for the announcer. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Fountain County track! Today is the day! It's the final race of the season! The winner will leave with $10,000! Good luck jockeys!" The announcer spoke. 

A guy riding a palomino gelding grabbed Frankel's reins and led him to the gates. "Good luck." The guy said as Frankel went into the gate. The jockeys and the horses waited patiently for the gates to open. Jamie was breathing heavily. "We can do this Frankel. I trust you." Jamie whispered. Frankel's eyes sparkled and he nickered. Soon, the bell rung and the gates flew open. The horses were off in a flash. "Samantha Waters and Black Knight take the lead." The announcer spoke. 

Samantha whipped Black Knight harder to get him to go faster. Jamie and Frankel were right behind her. "Come on." Jamie said softly. Jamie and Samantha were side by side. "Not today." Samantha mumbled then took her whip and whipped Frankel's flank as hard as she could. Frankel was in so much pain he had to slow down. "She's is so rude. I am not going to let her stand in our way." Jamie said softly. Jamie squeezed Frankel's sides to get him going faster. This time, they were behind the entire group. "Come on Frankel." Jamie whispered. Frankel went faster and got passed two other jockeys. By the time he did pass them he started to doubt himself and so was Jamie. Frankel started giving up and he was also getting exhausted. Frankel started slowing down again. 

"Are they okay?" Amanda asked as she watched anxiously. "I don't know." Tim replied. 

"Frankel, we can't give up. This is our chance." Jamie spoke. Frankel nickered. "Frankel, I don't care if we win or not. All that matters is that we do our best. Please Frankel, I believe in you. I know we can do this." Jamie whispered. Frankel's energy and joy came back. He knew he couldn't give up. He had to do this for Jamie. Frankel started speeding up and passed the rest of the jockeys except for Samantha. Jamie and Frankel were right behind Samantha again. "Ugh, this girl just won't give up." Samantha mumbled in anger. They came around the final turn. Samantha whipped her horse again as hard as she could to try to go even faster but instead of Black Knight going faster, he slowed down because he was in too much pain. 

Jamie and Frankel flew passed Samantha and Black Knight then took the lead. The finish line was straight ahead. "Come on you dumb horse." Samantha snapped. Samantha whipped him again and he started to go a little faster. Samantha and Jamie were side by side again. Jamie was just a few more inches ahead of Samantha and they crossed the finish line. Jamie thought it was tie and of coarse Samantha thought she won. All the jockeys slowed down and waited for the results. "There is no way you beat me. I know that I won." Samantha said with a snobby attitude. Jamie rolled her eyes. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have the results." The announcer spoke. The jockeys waited anxiously. Amanda, Tim, and Ben cross their fingers. "The winner of this years big race is....Jamie Stone on her horse Frankel! What a fantastic ride!" The announcer said in excitement. Jamie was in shock. "We did it." Jamie whispered. "No! There is no way! The announcer is incorrect!" Samantha snapped. "Actually, they have a tape and he re-watched it over and over again." Jamie said with a smile. "Ugh! I can't believe this!" Samantha yelled. 

"Sorry Samantha." Jamie said with a smile. Samantha rolled her eyes then walked Black Knight away from her. Jamie leaned over and hugged Frankel. "Thank you Frankel."  Jamie whispered. Frankel nickered. Jamie walked to the exit then dismounted. Amanda, Tim, and Ben had the biggest smiles. 

"I am so proud of you!" Amanda said giving Jamie a hug. "Thank you mom." Jamie replied. "You did amazing out there." Tim said. Jamie smiled. "We will be right back honey." Amanda said. "Okay." Jamie replied. Amanda and Tim wanted Jamie and Ben to talk alone.

"You were great out there today. I knew you could do it." Ben said. "Thanks Ben." Jamie said. Jamie went up to Ben and kissed him on the cheek. They both blushed. "Never let someone take your joy away from racing. You have a gift." Ben said with a smile. "Thanks but I couldn't have done this if it weren't for Frankel. The best horse I could ever ask for." Jamie said.

Jamie walked back over to Frankel and gave him another big hug. "Thank you Frankel, for everything. I love you." Jamie whispered. Frankel nickered. Jamie kissed Frankel's muzzle then lead him to the cross ties to get untacked.

Claire's parents allowed her to take lessons from Jamie. She rides Thunderstorm. Thunderstorm became a perfect beginner horse. Claire also started taking on the same passion as Jamie which of coarse was to race.

Jamie and Frankel continued doing races and winning a lot. They wouldn't have done all this if they didn't find each other. Jamie and Frankel were not only born to race but born to be together.

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