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"Lily, did you pack the lunches?" I hear my name as I turn around and watch Callie smiling at me, "Yeah, obviously." I state making her laugh. "At least I can trust you with food." She says as I shake my head; "You can trust me with your life damn it."I say and stick out my tongue playfully at her.

"Lily tell us about you're new job? " Callie almost demanded after a while of terrible singing on the road towards our summer adress; "It's like an internship but still, I feel lucky I'm getting a chance." I reply and Callie looks annoyed, I've been signed to work as a manager for a kpop group, though they hadn't infromed me of which one, I figuered i would most likely begin of being an back up or the last of many. And I didn't want my famous horny friend to know about it; "Where is it?" Minah asks gently, Callie is the bulldozer who tries to push me while the others know how to tread the waters. "I'm not allowed to say until I've signed the papers." They nod and get that there isn't a whole lot left to ask about. But I can tell Callie isn't done, but she'll most likely attack again later on, if I'm not lucky.

SM Entertainment is one of the biggest  production companies in the country and also it was completely new to me. So I dont want to jinx anything until I acutally get there, but it's planned to be in 4 weeks time. But it could changed, I've already been warned.

"But if you do a good job you'll get a permanent position right?" Callie asks me after a few minutes in silent, I'm never lucky; "Can we focus on our summer vacation as for now.. I'm nervous as it is and I'm not joining the company until august," I mutter as I tap the steering wheel, trying to cover up the annoyance. I got the chance to apply because of my first boss Judy who joined the company about two years back, and me being miserable at my current position. Jusy reached out, we've kept in contact. Which had nothing to do with my boss by the way, who was and is still great. But I was despreate for a fresh start, and my now former boss Adam knew that.

So Judy helped me out and I felt like it wasn't something Callie needed to know. Who knows where Judy works and has been dying to social climb in there. But I've wanted to keep it to myself for a while. At least until I know what my job is about or about whom I'm working for.

The drive with four girls singing at the top of their lungs is always fun, but the three girls who weren't driving were sharing drinks. And now they're all plastered.

I sigh as I drive in on the parking space, the house is big, almost too big for us four, but honestly, that's just a nice fact. Hopefully even more places to hide.

The house is located directly on the beach and there was a lot of benefits, for this house that's for sure. "We're here," The girls shout as I turn the engine off.

The girls rush in, and they all pick the better bedroom, ironically Callie said I was suppose to get the best room, because I got the summer contract (Thanks to Adam) of the house, but in the end she took it herself. I don't mind that I got the smaller room on the first floor. I actually prefer it.

It has a small onset bathroom, and a small closet, even the bed is a smaller one. But why does that matter, my plan is to lie on the beach the most either way. I look out of my window and see it's located exactly with the view into the neighbour's bedroom.

I mentally remind myself that I shall not walk around naked. With the curtains open that is. Then again the room seems dark and vacant. Hopefully no one will live there. 

Once I'm settled in and unpacked the girls start shouting about dinner and drinks. Minah had searched for a restaurant in the area and found one close to the house. And honestly I was to tired to put any effort in at home, I just wanted to sit down and eat. So we decided the restaurant was the food source of the first night.

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