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Sunday came faster than I wished. And the boys were so nice (too nice even), enough for me to never want to leave. As I walk up the steps to the house I rented myself, I wasn't sure who I was going to meet.  I walk inside with Junmyeon in tow as  I find Misty and Kevin on the couch.

"Lily, finally." Kevin says and gets up and I look at him confused: "What's going on?" I ask softly as, Junmyeon drops my bag behind me: "Where is Min-ah?" I ask disappointed as I don't see her in the room so I put my jacket on a chair, looking down and feel Junmyeon's hand on my arm: "Oh, she went on a small trip with her boyfriend, she'll back Wednesday." Misty said getting up: "Shit went down, so she decided to leave the toxic-ness." Kevin said and Junmyeon pats my arm and sits down; "Do you want a drink or something?" I ask softly and he smiles and shakes his head as I turn to look at Kevin as he clarifies why: "Jung and Callie broke up or Jung dumped her."

I feel my jaw drop and Misty bites her lip as Kevin opens his mouth again: "He always liked you, as a good friend so he was furious with her, and he basically just called her out on everything." I wonder if I'm suppose to feel sorry for her, but I really don't care enough.

"Kevin had to step between Lee and Jung too." Misty says and I look at him but Junmyeon speaks before me: "I guess you do have good friends Lily." I bite my lip before I speak: "What do you mean?" The three of us spoke at the same time making him smile; "I was worried about you, you've had all of those people around you for years, and after this it's clear who truly are your friends, it makes me relieved even though all my friends are ready to adopt you." He smiled widely and I blush: "We don't find her boring or annoying, in anyway, she's the most genuine of the group." Misty said with a gentle smile: "I'm sorry Callie twisted my words like that."

I shake my head and watch her: "I don't blame you for thinking I work too much, or that I'm way to busy... I know I am." I reply softly: "It's also what I prefer." And Misty nods: "We know, and we wouldn't like you If it wasn't you, we just simply miss you when youre not around."

I smile now as she comes over and wraps her arms around me for a tight embrace. "I am
really sorry, I know I shouldn't have exposed your secret." I shake my head: "Let's not talk more about it." I say knowing Junmyeon don't know about it yet or Kevin for that matter.  She nods and smiles softly: "You have more friends than you think." As Kevin speaks I nods gently: "Just be glad Callie is gone," Misty said with raw sarcasm: "Still wished I'd clawed her eyes out." Kevin chuckled Junmyeon too, "I'd pay to see that."  Kevin said, and I give him an eye, he after all stepped between us.


"How about a bonfire tonight?" I ask as I watch my three friends who are draped on the couch with me, Junmyeon is laying next to me with his arm barely touching mine,
Kevin has his feet propped up on the couch next to my legs. As he sits up at my words: "Um that's a great idea." He smiled as he got excited; "The boys will probably be all for it." Junmyeon smiled as I look at him, "We should get some stuff, food and what not." Misty smiled shining bright.

The plan was in motion, Kevin and I went to the store as Junmyeon went back to speak to the others. As we walked around in the store, Kevin clear his throat and I look up at him, as I place a watermelon into the cart: "What?" He looks awkward, which is strange for him. "Do you like him?" He says after a while of awkward silence. I raise my eyebrow: "Junmyeon?" I know the answer but I still ask the question: "The timing really sucks.. but I'd lie if I said no." I admit: "Ah," He nods: "He was the one who pulled me out of the haze." I say gently: "What about the tall guy?" And it hit me that Kevin saw me kiss Chanyeol: "Ah, well, that's confusing even for me."

 I laugh as we walk in the food lines: "Well you did kiss him." Kevin says: "Correction, he kissed me and I kisses him back, but it was a spark between us, I think it's still there, but it's different with Junmyeon," I say grabbing tomatoes and put them into the cart: "How so?" Kevin questions as I start touching other vegetables to buy as well: "I can breath, and the last year was hell, and he's the air to fill my lungs, I didn't know I was falling for him until I was knee deep." And Kevin stops and I realized I said something out loud I hadn't dared to admit to myself at first. I guess, falling out of Love with Lee had been going on longer than I expected, because I could safely say, Lee had left my heart, I was just blind enough to not see it until now.

"I didn't expect you to be in love with him." Kevin says as he looks away: "I... I didn't expect that either." I confess, he sort of looks hurt, I never wanted to hurt him in anyway and I know well I've sort of figured that he favored me. But seeing his face made it all so clear that he truly does.

We leave the store in silences, he don't say more than he has to. As we walk inside he takes all
the bags and won't let me help. He spend the next hour not even looking my direction. "What's with the tension?" Misty whispered as she joins me on the couch. "So complicated." I mutter and Misty hits my arm; "Did he confess?" She joked in a whisper. And I look at her in panic and get up. "I'm going out to the fire." I say and rush off.

Misty is on my heels, "He did, didn't he." She asks as we are out of reach grabbing me so I almost fell over; "No, but his face practically did." I sigh: "And? And? And?" She asks excited: "What?" I say confused: "What you mean what?" She asked now confused: "How did you know he liked me?"

"How did you not know?" She replied and I frowned; "Anyway; why are you so excited?" I ask and she now frowns: "Like we have been betting on you two, for the longest time, Min-ah even dumped him because he clearly liked you more than her even if he didn't know it himself at the time." She sighed and I watch her: "Min-ah knows and don't hate me?" I look at her as she shook her head: "It's not like he where hitting on you or acted like you were interested, she knows you wouldn't hit on our guys." I smile and being thankful for my friends as we stand on the beach. I feel blessed and releived that Min-Ah, found someone who she'll most likely marry. And it makes me happy for her.

I bit my lip right before I feel a pair of arms pick me up and I squeal as Jongin throws me over his shoulder and runs down into the water. As the water surrounds my body and I hold my breath. I just feel every inch of my body tangle together as my life just kept getting complicated.

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