Chapter 7- Hanger

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Watching Everly eat is doing dangerous things to me right now.  Seeing her seated across from me wearing my t-shirt and sweats excites me. I have to remind myself that over half the men here are related to her and that my parents are seated at the same table. Otherwise, I don't think I could control my desire to whisk Everly away and claim her as mine.

The swelling around her eye and jaw have diminished. Seeing her now, I take in her doe-eyed beauty. Her big, gorgeous, blue eyes that hold my gaze and warm my blood. Her delicate hands timidly move about her plate as she concentrates on eating her meal.

"Your inner beast?" I ask her.

Swallowing her bite she smirks as she responds, "My stomach."

Laughing, I ask, "And what exactly is 'hanger'?"

"Anger caused by extreme hunger. One plate of bacon and my beast may be satiated. But no promises, "she replies in a deadpan tone.

Danny laughs, "God, I missed you, Evie."

"I missed you too," her voice grows thick with emotion as she responds.

After she fell asleep last night, I had to go for a run. I talked Danny into joining the pack as we shifted and allowed our wolves to race through our property. We needed to unleash all the negative, pent-up energy. Mom sat with Everly as the rest of us ran, hunted, and satisfied the innate need within called, 'wolf.'

Clearing his throat, Danny says, "So, Evie you've met everyone except for Trent. He's a mechanic and owns a garage in town."

Trent glances up and grunts in greeting.

"Nice to meet you," Everly politely responds.

"Don't mind Trent," Mason explains in a stage whisper, "he's a jerk to everyone."

Laughing, Danny adds, "Yeah, Trent is an equal opportunity asshole. It's part of his charm."

"Language, boys! And leave Trent alone," mom scolds.

"Sorry," Mason and Danny mutter.

Breakfast continues until we get our fill.

"So, Evie," Charles begins, "How's your mom?" At his question, everyone draws their attention towards Everly.

Looking at her uncle and then Danny, she takes a deep breath before responding, "Not good. She's been getting sicker and sicker over the years. I looked up her symptoms and I think she has this disorder called 'fibromyalgia'. It's the only thing that I found that explains the chronic pain, fatigue, headaches, and memory problems. She's been pretty much bed-ridden the last few years."

I look at my mom. She was very close to Charlotte and has always worried about her. My dad grips her fist that is on the table. Clearing his throat, he asks, "Everly, do you think you could tell us what happened to you?"

"Dad," I begin to interject.

"We have to know what we're facing," he responds in finality.

"It's okay," Everly replies, "I know you all have questions and concerns," she looks at Danny and asks, "Are you sure you want to hear this?"

Danny's jaw flinches as he responds, "No," he says as he takes one of her hands into both of his. "But I need to."

I take a deep breath and clench my teeth, readying myself and my wolf for Everly's recount of the hell she has lived through. However, no matter how hard I try, nothing prepares me for what she is about to say.

 However, no matter how hard I try, nothing prepares me for what she is about to say

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