From Me to You

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Holy Moly.

If you are reading this, then that means you've completed Everly's story... or at least the first part of it. And if that's the case, thank you.

This book would not be possible without the support of my family: My husband who allows me to jabber ad nauseam about this made-up world and characters whom I feel a strong connection. My mom who reads every word and calls me with notes. My dear friend, quietscherine who has been reading and voting since day one. And my daughter. My precious, adorable, stubborn little girl who I hope one day does what her Momma did and seizes her joy.

Because, other than my family, writing is my happy place. I love expressing myself through written word. I am challenged and strengthened when I tackle a character. Always hoping that I am invoking thought, emotion, and perhaps a laugh or two. This journey has been amazing. To imagine a story and put it out for the world to that's real magic.

And it would not have been the same without you. To the readers who made it to the final page. To the silent readers, the noisy readers, and to my beta readers: I love you. Thank you for giving my book a chance.

In the words of Charlotte, "Life is not perfect but it's what you make it. So, make it memorable and never let fear stop you."

Your friend in word and light,

Book 2 Cover Reveal:

Book 2 Cover Reveal:

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