Chapter 20- Costume Shopping

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The girls take me to a costume shop near downtown aptly called, The Costume Shoppe. It is old and cluttered. Full of authentic and eccentric costumes for theater, as well as traditional Halloween costumes for adults and kids.

"We need a theme!" Thea proclaims as she riffles through one of the many racks of clothing.

Groaning, Bel shakes her head, "No! No theme. Last year you made me dress like a Disney princess," she groans, "I'm not doing that again."

Caylin and I laugh as we look through different racks of clothing.

Thea's phone beeps as we continue our pursuit of the perfect costume.

"Oh no," she groans.

"What's wrong?" we all ask in unison.

"That was Nathan. The band has to back out. They have the flu! What am I gonna do? The fest is tomorrow night! I was in charge of getting the live entertainment lined up. No band, no entertainment!" she begins to ramble in panic.

Without thinking, I volunteer, "I know a band."

The girls look at me. Caylin smiles, "That's right! You brother and his friends all play, don't they?"

Thea runs over to me and grabs my shoulders, "Do you think they'll do it, Everly?"

Smiling, I pull out my cell phone, "I'll make a call."

Walking towards the entrance to the store I unlock my phone and scroll through my contacts and call the man that makes my heart stutter.

Stepping outside the store, the phone barely rings once before he answers, "Everly? Are you ok? Is everything alright?" His voice sends shivers down my spine and I can't hold back the smile on my face.

"Everything is fine Zeke. I just need a little favor," I say, hoping that my voice doesn't sound too desperate.

I hear motion on the other end of the line and Zeke telling someone that its me and that I am fine.

"What can I do for you, angel?"

My heart screams like a preteen at her first boy band concert.

Clearing my throat, I begin, "Well, I'm with Caylin and her friends, Thea and Bel."

"The sisters from Healing Grounds?" he asks.

"Yeah. We are costume shopping for the Halloween Fest tomorrow night. Thea is responsible for lining up the music and the band she had just backed out. I know its last minute, but do you think you guys could help her out? She's kinda panicking and it would mean a lot to me to help her out of this pickle." I take a deep breath after getting all of that out.

He is silent as he digests my words. A minute goes by and I look to see if the call is still connected. Realizing that I've put him in an awkward position, I begin to say, "I understand if you can't-"

"We'll do it," he interrupts. "Just have her text me the details."

"Really?" I squeal. "Thank you so much, Zeke!"

"Anything for you, angel."

Smiling like an idiot, I just bite my lip to contain my joy. "I better get back inside and tell Thea the good news. Thanks again."

"Have fun. I'll see you soon." he says.

After ending the call, I take a deep breath and begin to turn back to the shop when something catches my eye.

Across the street, standing near the shadows of the dry cleaners store is a familiar face.

"Trent?" I murmur to myself.

A large truck drives past, blocking my view for a few seconds and then the man is gone. Looking around, I don't see anyone walking or standing around.

Maybe I imagined him.

Shaking my head, I walk into the shop and tell Thea the good news. After her shrieks of elation, we continue on our quest for costumes. 

"What do ye think, Everly?" Caylin asks, "What do you usually dress up as?"

Mesmerized by the textures and colors of the various fabrics, I mindlessly respond, "I was usually locked in my room on Halloween."

The girls stop what they're doing and stare at me.

My heart begins to race, " I mean...uh. What I meant to say is," I stumble over my words.

Bel, as if sensing my discomfort, interrupts, "I got it. I know what we can go as," she says as she walks up to me and gently places her hand on my elbow and leads me towards the dressing stalls.

"But, I get to pick the color I want," she says as she pointedly looks at Thea and Caylin. I begin to feel better as she focuses attention away from my slip of the tongue. Her nearness comforts me and I am able to breathe normally again. She stops us in front of five mannequins dressed in modern renditions of a classic fairy-tale.

"Perfect!" Thea exclaims.

"What do you think, Everly?" Caylin asks as she motions towards the pink gown.

"I get to wear that?" I ask in awe.

Bel steps forward, "Thea, Caylin, and I will wear these," she explains, motioning towards the trio dressed in deep magenta, green, and blue knee-length dresses. Wings peak out from behind the mannequins and the head is topped with matching pointed fascinators.

Stepping towards the dark and ominous costume, Caylin explains, "We can get Seri the horns, she already wears all black. Everly, you can wear the gown. If you want. What do you think?"

Breathless from the idea and warmed by the image of being a part of this group, I clear the emotion clogging my throat, "Sounds perfect."


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