Chapter 23- Halloween Fest

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"Hell no! I am not wearing this!" Trent groans.

The guys and I are standing in the den as Mason hands out our costumes for tonight's performance at Halloween Fest.

"What the hell are we supposed to be?" Micah asks with a disgusted look on his face.

I take stock of the garment Mason is holding up. White knee-high socks, green shorts, and suspenders. "Lederhosent?" I ask in disbelief.

"We're not a fucking polka band, Mason!" Danny grumbles.

"You guys have no creativity. Fine. That was option number one. Since you have so rudely rejected it, we have to go with our option two," he says as he takes out another garment bag. Upon opening it, he reveals a stack of five different button-down shirts, vests, and coats. Each one unique but with a similar design. Black leather pieces with large buttons and buckles that remind me of something from the Victorian era.

"What is it?" I question.

Mason picks up a large, brown paper bag and begins to hand out accessories. Leather wrist cuffs, brass goggles, bowler, and top hats. "Steampunk. Just wear a pair of black pants and boots," he explains.

The rest of us share a look. Danny shrugs his shoulders, "Now, this I can wear. Good job, cousin."

"Definitely better than shorts," Micah concedes.

"I fucking hate Halloween," Trent gripes before stomping out of the den.

Smirking at Trent's retreating form, Mason asks, "So, what is Everly dressing up as?"

Danny shrugs, "She won't say. Says she wants to surprise us."

"She's really excited about tonight. The girls are coming to pick her up," I add.

"Oh yeah?" Mason perks up. "The Frost sisters are coming here?"

"Yes, and before you think about it, these girls mean a lot to Everly. Don't make anyone uncomfortable," I demand.

Mason gives me a Cheshire grin, "Uncomfortable? When have I ever made a girl uncomfortable?"

Rolling my eyes, I firmly reply, "Just keep the flirting to a minimum."

"I can't help it. Bel just brings it out of me. All those curves and attitude," Mason shakes his head, "Damn, she just does something to me."

Micah slaps Mason on the shoulder, "Well, reign it in, brother. They're human and Everly's friends which make them a double whammy of off-limits."

"That doesn't help, Micah," Mason laughs. "It just makes me want her more."

Later that afternoon, I dress for tonight's festivities in an upstairs bedroom. Heading downstairs, I take in the guys as they sit around the kitchen island. All of us are wearing the tight leather vests secured over a black button-down top, black ties, and dark pants. Our accessories are different. Trent is brooding in a bowler hat with the brass goggles secured above the brim. His sleeves are rolled up revealing leather wrist cuffs and his sleeve tattoos peeking underneath. He sips from his water bottle while listening to Danny, who is sporting just the brass goggles around his neck and a large buckled belt. Micah and Mason have on long coats that have over-sized lapels with large buttons running down the side. The brothers also have on top hats with the goggles wrapped around them. Mason has his gloved hands resting on top of a cane.

"Gentlemen," I greet. I adjust the cufflinks of my tailcoat jacket and place my bowler hat on the counter. Walking over to the fridge, I grab a water and sit next to Danny.

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