Chapter 9- Angel

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As I lead Everly to her room, my mind whirls from what she revealed to our pack. Her strength and determination to overcome the horrors of her past impress me. Many believe that those with a submissive shift animal are weaker. The truth is, some of the strongest people I know have a submissive animal, my mom being at the top of that list.

While Everly spoke of the attack she endured, I could sense her emotions. Shifters have many unique characteristics, including the ability to sense when someone is experiencing heightened emotion. Everly tried to maintain her composure, but I experienced her anxiety as she explained how she traveled here without knowing what awaited. I could sense her sadness as she spoke about her mom and I could feel her fear as she relived her attack.

My fist clench as I think about what those bastards had planned. In her ignorance, Everly assumes that terms like, "breeding" and "mating" were crude words used to describe sex. When in reality, it is far more sinister. My stomach rolls as I watch her walk over to the bed and awkwardly sit down due to the discomfort still radiating through her body.

The pain they have caused her will not go unavenged, I tell my pacing wolf in an effort to placate his need to destroy.

Everly settles against the pillows and burrows beneath a large, colorful quilt. I can tell she is deep in thought as waves of worry roll off of her.

"Is Danny going to be okay?" she asks with concerned eyes. "I didn't want to share all that in front of him," she continues, "I don't want him to feel any guilt. But he does, doesn't he? I could tell when he avoided my eyes. He did that when we were kids." She looks down at her worrying hands.

We linger in bated silence as droplets of rain pelt against the window. Moving from my spot near the door, I sit on the edge of the bed.

She continues to focus on her hands and I notice that tears begin to pour from her eyes.

I want to tell her everything. I want to explain what happened ten years ago. I want to reveal the truth about Danny, about me, and about our whole damn shifter world. Instead, I lift her chin so she will meet my eyes and console her. "Danny will be fine. Yes, he feels guilty. I'd like to say over time he won't, but its Danny. He's always taken the pain of others on his shoulders." I drop my finger from her chin. "Plus, it's you. I won't go into detail, because ... well, its Danny's story to tell, but he came back for you. We all did." Her lips part as she gasps and her brows furrow in confusion. Before I say anything further, I stand up and walk towards the door.

"I was angry at him," she whispers.

I stop and turn to look at her. "At Danny?"

She turns her head and looks at me with her beautiful ocean-colored eyes glistening beneath her tears. "He left me. I needed him and he wasn't there. I know," she hesitates, "I know there's a reason. I know that he wouldn't have left me if he had a choice. But, he was gone and I was so alone." Her shoulders begin to shake as she sobs. Without thought, I move to the bed and drop to my knees, pulling her into my chest and hold her. She grips my shirt with her good hand and releases the torrents of pent up emotion that she has fought so hard to contain.

"You're not alone anymore, Angel," I whisper. After her sobs die down, I help her settle into bed. As I go to walk away, she grabs my hand.

"Thank you," she says as she smiles.

I clear my throat as it tightens. "I'm sorry your life has been so hard."

She closes her eyes as tiredness comes to claim her. "Don't pity me, Zeke," she mumbles.

And my mate, my strong as hell, clever mate sleepily quips, "Life is hard. Bacon helps."

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