Chapter 32- Origin

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Iciness sinks it's fangs into me, it's bitter teeth freezing me to my core. My limbs feel heavy like lead, the intense cold sap them of their strength. The burning in my lungs intensifies and my battle against the cold river and airless abyss weakens. Everything begins to blur as I sink. After the last bubbles of precious breath escape my lips, I give into the darkness.

I'm sorry.

The words echo in my mind as death swallows me. Cold seeps into my body and passes over the threshold into pain. Scorching and searing its way to the marrow of my bones. Firing through sinew and blasting my cells, destroying everything in its wake. My heart rams against my ribs and my lungs ache for air.

I need to breathe.

I need to fight.

I need to live.

Abruptly, the pain is gone. The pressure on my body disappears and I feel warmth envelope my whole being. Launching upright, I look around with astonishment as blue skies and a golden sunrise wash over my vision. I am lying in a meadow that is flooded with wildflowers. Variations of pink, purple, yellow, and green surround me and their fragrant perfumes tickle my nose. I slowly rise, taking in the long, white flowing gown that I am wearing. My bare feet meet the cushioned earth and my jaw goes slack when I realize that I am on the property, at least what I imagine the property would look like in the spring.

With slow and timid steps I begin to maneuver through the tall grasses that brush against my body. A gentle breeze flutters the fallen strands of my blonde hair that is hanging in a loose braid over my shoulder. I can hear bees buzzing as they visit each flower, collecting  nectar and spreading the pollen. Everything is tranquil and quiet.

It's as if my body is on autopilot as I am being led by supernatural forces toward a nearby babbling brook. I journey downstream as the small creek eventually expands to the large river. Trekking along the bank, my ears pick up a steady whooshing hum in the distance.

Past the meadow, the creek flows into the forest. I follow the current as it winds through the rough terrain. The rushing water growing louder as it nears a drop off. The water falling over the edge in a steady stream and rumbling in a laughing sort of way. I amble along the path leading down the hill and pause in front of the waterfall's pool; a pond that branches out in a large semicircle at the waterfall's base. The water is transparent and sparkles like a bowl of tiny diamonds as the shimmering ripples  dance in an almost hypnotic presentation.

"It's quite beautiful, isn't it?" A voice startles me from behind. I turn around as Doc steps through the surrounding darkness.

"Doc?" I whisper.

His warm smile puts me at ease as he takes the spot to my right and stares at the water as it cascades down the hillside and crashes to the rocks below.

"Am I dead?" I blurt out.

Chuckling at my train of thought, Doc peeks at me through the corner of his eyes. "No, Everly. You are not dead. You are very much alive."

Somehow his reassuring words do little to comfort me. "Then what is going on? What is this place?"

"This," he motions all around, "is a sacred place. It is the Magic Springs and it feeds the flow of magic throughout the world."

"Magic," I repeat.

"This spring is connected to the subterranean rivers that flow underground throughout the world. Aquifers that connect ocean to ocean and distribute magic to all supernatural beings," he explains.

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