Chapter 25-The Devil Claws

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My heart thunders inside my chest as I clumsily run away from Basin Spring Park. The sounds of light-hearted laughter and music fade away as my mind is sucked into a vacuum. The only reverberations I hear are my heavy breathing and echoing pulse as I run away from Billy. The man who haunts me in my sleep, hovering like a hummingbird, is here.

In the back of my mind, thoughts run rampant. Is Jim here too? What about Hank? I feel like they're closing in on me. Bumping into strangers along the congested street, I decide to hide out in one of the shops.

Stumbling into the first store entrance, I squeeze my eyes shut and will my body to relax. Leaning against the door, my mind slowly catches up to the present.

My eyes pry open and I quickly learn that I'm not in a store, but rather, a bar and the leather-wearing patrons are staring at me.

A broad-shouldered man with a scar along his right eye walks towards me. Smirking, he hollers to the crowd, "Well what do we have here, boys? Christmas came early. And here I thought it was Halloween." He licks his lips before continuing, "Are you here to trick or treat, Baby? We're fresh out of candy, but I got something you could suck on."

Swallowing my breath, I turn to leave and feel his body press against my back. He holds the door in place as he sniffs the side of my neck. Grabbing my shoulders, he jerks me around to face him. His yellow eyes darken and nostrils flare before he elicits a small growl. "Well, I'll be damned. You're the new bitch up at White River. Surprised Jack let you wander so far from home." He shoves me towards the men who gathered closer. Hands reach out to settle me before I lose my balance.

"Holy shit, Mel! Do you know the bounty that's on her head?" someone shouts.

The man, I assume Mel, steps forward and fingers my hair. He lowers his scarred face inches from mine and takes a deep breathe. "Yes. I'm aware of the price. I'll call BJ and let him know we got her. Maybe we can have a taste before he gets here."

As Mel moves to take his cell out of his pocket, the bar door bursts open. Hope springs in my chest when I realize its Trent and Micah. Both of them storm in like they're prepared for battle.

"Get your fucking paws off of her. Now!" Trent roars.

Me laughs. "Awe, if it isn't the little rogue coming to save the day. What? You think after ten years you can actually save someone you care about?" Glancing at Micah, Mel scoffs. "And you brought the fucking psycho with you?" He turns towards Micah. "Come to fight a battle, boy? That didn't work out too well for you in the past, did it?"

Trent, searing with anger, takes a calculated step into Mel's personal space. "I mean it, Davis. Jack is a few seconds from walking in. You and your pack of pussies don't want to start something you can't finish." Trent's eyes narrow as he continues, "Or, maybe you do? In that case I'd love to add to my artwork." He gestures towards the scar on Mel's face.

The men around me begin to growl. Tension floods the atmosphere like a tsunami fueled by testosterone, alcohol, and hate.

Suddenly, Jack enters the room. "Let her go!" he roars. Relief floods my veins when I see Danny, Mason, and Zeke in his wake.

Mel snarls in frustration. "Mother fuckers! This is Devil's Claw territory. White River is not welcome here! She's not claimed and the little bitch came in here on her own. You assholes can wait your turn."

Chaos erupts when Trent punches Mel, eliciting a snarled yelp as a loud crack ricochets throughout the bar. Arms wrap around my waist and I am lifted into the air. I fight my assailant with kicks, screams, and nails as I claw at his grip.

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