Chapter 46- The Mark

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Free will
Caused all of our misery
In many ways it seems
We've lost our ability
To be free
-Ivy Trueblood


"...The place where the Creator first formed life and where the Elementals receive their mark," Doc explains. "You have noticed that everything we do is in a circle," he walks around, looking at each of us as he continues. "And that is because the power of the world has always worked in circles, and everything tries to imitate it's cyclical nature."

As he speaks, I feel the murmurings of magic begin to stir. "In the old days all our power came to us from the sacred hoop of our very existence. As long as the hoop was unbroken, the magic flourished. The east gave peace and life, the south gave warmth, the west gave rain, and the north with its cold and mighty wind gave strength and endurance. The center nourished the four quarters by being the spiritual connection to the Creator."

"Everything the power of the world does is done in a circle. The sky is round, the planets, so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours." Taking a deep breath, Doc looks up towards the stars.

"The Creator's first born: Earth, Sun, and Moon broke that sacred hoop with their greed," he looks at me with eyes full of sorrow, as if their disobedience hurt him personally. "Now, shifters and elementals have been tasked with the responsibility to protect all magic. For you five, this means you have to ensure the springs remain intact." He hesitates, "But, in the end, it is your choice."

I share a glance at the girls who, by their similar expressions, are as confused as I am. Seri looks at Doc with agitation, "What do you mean by 'choice'?"

He steps in front of her and places his leathered hands on her frail shoulders, "You can choose whether or not to carry this burden, Seri. If you don't want it, the Creator will lift it from you."

Her eyebrows furrow in thought, "But I'll still see them?" She whispers.

Doc takes a deep breath, his hands dropping at his sides, "Yes. You'll still see them. Just as Everly and Bel would still remain shifters if they chose not to be Elementals. Some burdens are heavier than others. We can't walk away from who we are."

We stand in silence as the weight of Doc's proposal sinks in. My thoughts race as I consider rejecting the Element gift.

Do I want to be this supernatural protector of magic?

Could I walk away from it?

Trying to imagine my life without the title of Elemental leaves me feeling uncomfortable. Not the thought of losing the abilities, however, but with losing these women. They've become my best friends. Also, trying to imagine myself denying a part of who and what am feels wrong. It's rejecting my purpose and I can't do it.

"I'm in," I simply state. Smiling at Doc's relieved expression.

"Yeah," Caylin laughs, "I've always been in, Doc."

"I can't imagine losing my Earth Element powers. They make me so...happy," Thea chimes in, wearing her usual bright smile.

Bel rolls her eyes at her sister's enthusiasm, "Well, seeing that I thoroughly enjoyed tossing those bastards in the dumpster during Operation: Rescue Everly, I think I'll keep my abilities."

We all look to Seri. The willowy woman who constantly shadows herself in dark clothing and hides behind her veil of black hair. "What about you, Seri?" Doc asks, hope clinging to his words.

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