Chapter 44- Hope

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It's not to the stars to
hold our destiny
but ourselves.


My eyes open as I awake from a dreamless sleep. Burrowed in my warm, fluffy comforter, I peak out the window and see that the gloomy skies have released a faint drizzle of rain. Thoughts of hiding from the day and getting lost in a book tempt my mind. However, a sharp knock at the door brings me back to reality.

Rolling out of bed, I grab an oversized, black sweatshirt with the words James Construction Inc. printed on the front and pull it on over my sleep shirt. While adjusting it down my narrow frame until it settles along my fuzzy pajama pants, I seize the opportunity to inhale Zeke's scent that has woven itself into the soft cotton.

I open my bedroom door and find Bev. "Good morning, sweetie," she greets as her eyes roll up to my hair, "Did I wake you?" Her cheerful tone eliciting a chuckle from me.

Running my hands over the tumbleweed atop my head, I smile at her, "No, I was up."

The twinkle of her laughter fills the hallway, "Okay, good. Well, I made a small breakfast. Your mom is in the den and I have to run to the store real quick. I invited the girls over for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night."

I follow her as she walks into the kitchen, "Where are the guys?"

Turning around, Bev's expression grows serious, "They're with Hank trying to figure out who this BJ character is and what his plans are."

My eyes drift towards the direction of the den, "And how's Momma?"

Bev places the shoulder strap of her purse over her shoulder and fiddles with her keys. "I'll be honest, Evie. She is so weak and Hank continues to pull strength from her," eyes brimming with tears, she continues, "All this time I focused on getting her home, but I didn't stop and think about how we would handle the after."

It's true. We raced to get Momma as soon as Hank was contained. Eager to rescue her but failing to acknowledge the conundrum we were placing ourselves in and now...

"She's gonna be fine," I say out loud, hoping my words will somehow bolster my confidence as much as hers.

With a quick nod of her head, Bev takes a deep breath and mumbles, "Right." I watch as she leaves the room and listen as the front door opens and closes.

"Could really use you right about now, Doc," I murmur to the empty room. "You, CeCe, and all of your strange abracadabra magic," I whisper.

Heading into the den, I catch sight of Momma sitting by the large window, staring outside towards the rolling hills. She's nestled into a large, leather chair with her feet tucked under her legs. Wrapped in a thick throw blanket and cupping a steaming mug of coffee, she is just focusing on the majestic scenery outside.

"Good morning, Momma," I softly say as I walk up and take a seat on the ottoman in front of her. "It's beautiful here, isn't it?" I notice her eyes are rimmed with red and her cheeks are flushed.

Her eyes never leave the mountains as she replies, "It's home." She slowly moves her focus to me and smiles. "I never thought I'd return. A part of me never wanted to."

Taken aback by her confession, I lean forward, "Why would you never want to come home?"

She carefully places her cup on the small table near her chair. "I was ashamed Evie," she explains. "Ashamed and stubborn."

As she moves, light reflects off of something metallic in her lap, "What's that?" Momma looks down and smiles, picking up the object she hands it to me.

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