Chapter 21-Music Magic

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I hang up the phone with Everly and replay the happiness that I could hear in her voice. I would do anything to make that girl happy.

"So," Mason interrupts my revelry, "what did Everly want?"

My phone begins to ring. Seeing that it is Trent, I answer quickly, "Yeah?"

"Tell me you did not just agree to that," he growls.

Standing at our construction job with Mason and Micah, I put Trent on speaker.

"If you are watching her like you're supposed to be, you should know that I did."

"Dammit, Zeke. Why would you agree to perform tomorrow night?"

"Perform?" Mason smiles. "Are we performing at Halloween Fest?"

"Yes. Everly said that Thea is in charge of music and the band she had backed out. Everly is gonna have Thea text me the details. What's the big deal, Trent? We perform all the time."

Grumbling, Trent replies, "I hate Halloween Fest. All those people dressed up in dumb costumes. And by the way, how are you gonna get Danny to play? The two of you can't be in the same room."

"This means a lot to Everly. Danny will do it for her. Who knows, maybe this will help him and I get back to where we were." I say, hopeful in my wishful thinking.

Mason begins to walk out of the room, "Where the hell are you going?" Micah yells.

Turning back, Mason smiles, "We have a performance tomorrow night, gentlemen. We need costumes."

"No," the three of us moan.

"Oh yes! See you back at the lodge. Rehearsal after dinner!" he runs out of the building.

Scoffing, Micah looks at me and asks, "Who the hell elected him band manager?"

Later that evening, the guys and I gather in the den to discuss what our set list will be. Danny sits off to the side. Unwilling to participate, he just scowls at the fire crackling in the fireplace.

My wolf snaps at attention when Everly walks into the room.

"Hey guys!" she gushes, "I can't thank y'all enough for doing this!" She looks over at Danny and her brow furrows. Stepping into his eyesight, she kneels down and places her hands on his knees. "Dan, are you not going to play?"

And then she does it. My mate draws from her arsenal the one thing that can cause grown men, even dominate wolves, to their knees.

She pouts.

"Evie," Danny draws out, "put the pout away. I'll play." He says as he stands. "On one condition," he adds.

Smiling at her conquest, she asks, "What?"

"You have to sing with us. At least one song," he bargains.

Everly looks at the group and sighs in resignation, "Alright," she murmurs.

Mason hoots in eagerness, "Hell yeah, Evie!"

We all gather around. Trent sits at the upright piano, while the rest of us pull stools and chairs around him. I rest my acoustic guitar against one knee as Mason picks at the mandolin. Micah stands behind his string bass as Danny grabs his fiddle and bow. After we are all settled Danny looks over at his sister, "Ok, Everly. What music do you like? What song would you like to sing?"

"I like all kinds of music. Bluegrass and folk are probably what I am most familiar with. You guys play and if I know it, I'll sing along," she reasons.

The guys and I settle into our usual playlist of Ozark Mountain music. It is music that has been handed down from generation to generation and is unique to the Ozarks. After a few songs, we begin a contemporary ballad that has a ghostly beauty to its melody and lyrics. A few chords in and I see Everly's eyes light up with recognition. When she opens up her mouth, her breathy vocals overtake the lullaby. I watch her fall into the music. Her eyes close and her body rocks as she sings. The air begins to tingle with magic. It's a feeling that prickles at the skin of those near. In my peripheral vision, I see dad, mom, and Charlie walk into the den. Lured by the sound of Everly's voice. A sound that is both innocent as well as scarred by the haunted memories of her past.

As the final chord vibrates throughout the still room, I look at Everly. Her eyes have remained closed during the entire song and I notice tears are shimmering down her ivory cheeks.

Taking deep breaths, Everly slowly opens her eyes and abruptly stands up.

"I need some air," she says in a staggered breath before she runs outside.

Danny and I both bolt into action, racing towards the open door. Strong arms reach out and stop me causing my wolf to growl in anger.

"Zeke, stop!" dad roars in his alpha tone. My body stills in forced submission. Eyes, wild in need, stare at my father.

"She needs her brother right now. They have stuff they need to talk through. Give them some time." He commands.

Deep down, I know he is right. However, seeing my mate cry guts me. I can't settle down until I know she is okay.

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