Chapter 28 -Lemon and Lavender

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"You did what now?" I stutter.

"I got a job today!" Everly squeals in excitement.

As the pack sits around the dinner table, delving into the delicious steak fajitas Danny prepared, we engage in typical dinnertime discussion. Everly surprises us all by joining us for a meal and conversation. For the past couple days, she has avoided us like the plague. Tentatively, Danny asked her how her day was and she blurted out that she got a job.

Dumbfounded, I look at Danny who looks as astonished as I feel. "You got a job," he restates.

Smiling, Everly replies, "Yes, I got a job."

"Where?" I question.

Her gaze travels to Trent, who is ignoring the group while he continues to scarf down his homemade tortilla.

"I am the new office manager for 479 Customs," she proudly states.

The group turns their attention to Trent, who with a mouthful of food mumbles, "What?"

"You hired, Everly?" Danny asks.

Swallowing his bite, Trent explains, "She called me an 'asshole' and threatened to stalk me until I put her on the payroll."

A chorus of laughter rumbles through the crowd. I, however, am feeling anything but jovial at the moment. A foreign emotion causes my stomach to turn and chest to tighten. I look down at my plate and having lost my appetite, push it away from me. Standing, I mumble, "Excuse me," and storm out of the lodge.

Walking towards the lake, I head to the dock and sit on one of the Adirondack chairs near the edge of the water. Staring at the sunset settling behind the mountains, I take a deep breath and will my body to relax. As I am focusing on the hues of orange and pink, blending throughout the sky and reflecting off the water of the lake, I sense my mate approach. She walks along the dock and claims the seat next to me.

Breaking the stillness, Everly states, "You're acting like you're angry that I got a job."

Without taking my eyes off the sunset, I mumble, "I'm not angry."

I feel her lean towards me before she challenges, "Then, explain why you stormed off."


How can I explain that my wolf wanted to leap across the table and challenge Trent for dominance?

Exhaling in frustration, I stand and face her. "When I ran into the bar and saw that guy's hands on you, I about lost it. I wanted to rip his head off, Everly. When the fight broke out, my instinct was to get you out of there. Remove you from all danger. Get you home and keep you safe."

"I appreciate that Zeke," she murmurs.

"I know you do, angel," I reply as I stare into her big, blue eyes. So innocent and pure.

Taking a shaky breath, I continue, "The other part of me wanted to fight. I wanted to battle and I haven't really shaken that feeling. With Billy showing up and finding out that Hank is hunting you down, I feel this overwhelming, intense urge to protect you. More so than I have been."

I take in her expression of surprise and kneel before her. Taking her hands in mine, I emphasize, "I am happy you got a job. So damn proud of how you saw something you wanted and took it," smirking at the irony, "I kinda wish I could do the same thing."

Her brows furrow in confusion, "You want a different job?"

Chuckling, I reply, "No. I wasn't referring to a job." Abruptly standing, I clarify, "I'm not angry. I'm just worried about your safety."

"But, I'll be with Trent," she reminds me.

"I understand that."

"And that Nolan guy is as big as a house," she assures me.

"He is indeed," nodding my head in understanding. "But they're not me," I whisper.

Releasing a laugh of disbelief, I mutter in astonishment, "Guess I'm a little jealous." Rubbing my chest as I identify that foreign emotion I felt earlier.

"Might as well make it a grand slam," I hear her mutter.

"What?" I ask in bewilderment.

Everly stands and walks up to me, "Today, I tackled three things that caused me to be afraid," she holds up one finger as she explains. "First, I spoke to your dad about finding a job. I don't know why that made me nervous, but it did," holding up a second finger, she continues. "Then, I confronted Trent. The man can be little abrasive."

"To put it mildly," I amend.

"Right?! I talked to him about the other night and mended our relationship, so to speak. And because I conquered that fear, I got a job," she states, holding up a third finger. "Which is something that scares the crap out of me. In fact, now that the adrenaline is wearing off, I am now realizing I have to work with Trent. What if I fail, Zeke? What if I fail hard?"

"Then you'll pick yourself up and find a job that is meant for you."

"Exactly," she smiles. "So, might as well tackle the fourth and biggest obstacle while I'm on a roll, right?"

"Sure," I encourage, unsure of where she's going with this.

Nodding her head in agreement, "Ok, so here it goes," she says, taking a deep breath. "I like you, Zeke. I like you more than just a friend. I am attracted to you. We've been skirting around the issue for a couple weeks now. I need to know, do you feel the same way about me?"

My mind flat-lines for a moment and I am rendered speechless.

Everly's cheeks become crimson with embarrassment, "Oh, my God. You don't, do you? You just want to remain friends. Holy moly, okay. Just ignore what I just said," she rambles before she starts to walk away. "Hey, didn't Mason mention something about smores? That sounds amazing."

Hurrying to stop her, I plead, "Wait, angel. Wait, you just caught me by surprise. I needed a moment to make sure I didn't imagine those words coming from your beautiful mouth." Taking her hands in mine, I continue, "Because the truth is, I have been dreaming about you saying that to me since the moment I met you on the dirt road."

"Really?" she asks in astonishment.

I caress her face with my hands and run one hand down her throat, my thumb stroking her jaw. Her eyes are soft and warm as I pull her closer to my lips so I can brush mine against hers. Her lips move over mine, making my heart race, her warmth pouring into me. With my hand on her neck, I feel her pulse quicken and hear her make a noise at the back of her throat. Pressing my lips harder against hers, I take over her lower lip, nipping it with my teeth before diving back in to taste her lips again.

My mouth moves hungrily over hers as the kiss begins to change. She is kissing me back with as much strength and wildness. I barely part my lips before she's there, dipping in and driving any thought I had away. There is only Everly, her mouth on mine and the warmth running through us. Need drives me as I kiss her desperately. As the warmth begins to grow hotter, I feel static electricity spark where my skin meets hers.

Breathlessly and reluctantly, I pull my mouth from hers and place a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Really, really," I whisper into her skin.

Holding her close, I rest my lips on the top of her head and inhale her scent. Lemon and lavender with a note of arousal.

"Grand slam," she mutters.

Laughing, I look down at her, "My thoughts exactly."

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