Chapter 15- Danny Knows

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"What the hell was that?" Danny demands.

The guys and I are standing in front of Danny's tattoo shop which is a few doors down from the diner waiting on Everly to say goodbye to mom and dad. Looking over at Danny, I take in his pissed-off demeanor, "What was what?"

With his hands on his hips, Danny narrows his eyes and glares at me.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"You know damn well, what," he says as he steps closer to me. "What the fuck is going on between you and my sister?" he presses.


I should have controlled myself better. I just couldn't resist flirting with Everly. Taking a deep breath I start to explain, "Nothing is going on, we're just friends."

Scoffing, Danny leans against the window of his shop, "I'm not an idiot, Zeke. You like her."

"She's his mate," Trent says as he lights up a cigarette.

Danny and I both scowl at him. "What?" Danny asks bewildered. 

I grumble, "Thanks, Trent," as I rub my hand on the back of my neck.

Trent blows out smoke and shrugs his shoulders, "Didn't realize it was a secret. I thought it was pretty fucking obvious from day one."

Danny is looking back at Everly. She is laughing at something mom has said. Seeing her this way. Happy. Content. It warms my heart and I want my best friend to understand, "Dan," I begin but he cuts me off.

"I gotta get back to work," he mumbles as he walks towards his shop door.

I step towards him and ask, "Dan, wait. Are we gonna talk about this?"

His lips press tightly and his eyes narrow in disapproval. 

"Hey, Danny!" Everly jogs up to her brother. "So, this is your shop? Dedicated Ink. Very nice," her voice full of excitement. "Can you show me around?"

"Thanks, Evie," he replies distractedly. "Can we raincheck the tour? I'm slammed this afternoon. I'll see you tonight." Danny says as he walks in and lets the door close, ending the conversation.

"What's up with him?" Everly asks.

Mason walks up and throws his arm over her shoulders, "Don't worry about Danny. We have to head over to the hardware store anyways. Gotta pick up some stuff for Jack."

"Ok," she mumbles.

"Well," Trent sighs, "I'll see you assholes back home."

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