Chapter 8: (part 3) Never a dull moment

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**(I thought the picture above, that I choose for this part, seemed suitable and silly enough to enjoy. There's even a little black cat that could represent our "little black cat assassin" in a way. It's side you don't always see and I hope my slightly altered version of them is an enjoyable to you all)**


A/N: Hiyas my lovely little muffin lovely readers *makes cutesy noises* Ok now that I got that out of the way.

I had every intention of posting this part much sooner but at one point I had fallen ill. Then everything got put on hold. And once I was better I thought that I could write two parts and try to post them both at the same time. Yeah, that didn't go as planned. This part has turned out to be one of the longest so far.

So please forgive me for not posting this sooner. Some things happened but I won't go into it. Just know that when I say I'm not always that lucky, I mean it. *sighs* It can't always rain though, as the saying goes. I will strive to make sure this doesn't happen again. I hope this part will more than exceed your expectations. I appreciate you all so very VERY much, I can't even begin to explain. Thank you for still sticking with me.

I had too many ideas with this part and even though this is a long ass part, this is actually the toned down version believe it or not. O_O If I told you how long this was and how long I usually write the chapters, you might freak out ever so slightly. Hehe. I use word document at a 12 point Arial font, single spaced. Let's just say it ranges well into the double digits range and this time I neared the triple digits.

Oh and by the way, next chapter (chapter 9) the ever so long awaited.......*drum roll*...........LEMON! (and perhaps a few almost lemons, I shall call them limes). Chapter 8 will have this part and one more then it's off to Chapter 9 with its lemony goodness. I already have the next part started since I wanted to post two parts at once.

I will make sure this type of gap in posting time doesn't occur again. Do know that sometimes I leaves message to my followers/readers, so if you do follow this story then follow me so that you can receive the messages and updates too. I announce each time I post a new part in a message too, so it helps to be able to reach everyone at once.

So who do you think the lemon and limes will be with or do you all think it will be more than one? I'm curious to know what you all think. Even if you guess correctly I won't ruin the surprise. So I will be embarrassing myself as I type it >///.///< (ßAuthor-chan trying not to blush as I write out the lemon and limes of the story)

Whew, that was a long ass Author's note, wasn't it? Guess it goes with a long ass part, hehe.

I hope you enjoy this! Thank you all so very much for being around. I appreciate you all so much. I hope I'm able to brighten your days as much as you brighten mine. ^_^


--3rd POV/Narrator's POV--

Catarina looked around to see if Ayato or Kanato was coming but figured they probably had to do something or perhaps Reiji had ordered them not to go. So she reminded herself mentally of the chocolate Kanato asked for earlier.

The three of them made it to the limo where the driver had already been waiting for them. And they headed towards the store at long last.

Catarina sat by the window as did Subaru, who was sitting opposite to Catarina and Laito who sat next to Catarina by a window as well. Yay, so everyone's got a window.

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