***Author's Note (#4)--Important UPDATE, please read!***

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Hello my lovies!

Its been so long since I last typed something or updated you all. I miss you all so much!!!! So remember my wrists and the problems I have? Apparently I was wrongly diagnosed. Damn doc.

The initial problem was thought to be some sort of infectious issue in the joints. I was given a handful of heavy medicine and it was rough, let me tell you. I won't get into the gory details of how what I ate usually came back the way it came. Of course that was only one of many 'o so fun' side affects. Some of those meds were said to also be given to cancer patients as well. I'm like O.o wtf dude! So I noticed my wrist seemingly stopped getting better. Like a download that was stuck. I did some research then I found a doc, through asking and looking up, who is an expert in her field and as an added bonus used to be the teacher of the bone head doc who wrongly diagnosed me. She even knew who he was! I thought this to be like in the fan fics. I mean what are the chances?

So she said, 'nope' thats not the problem. Go find another doctor who specializes in joints and stuff. So one was found. Let me tell you, typing hurt waaaaay more at that time. A group of experts, with awards and all that shiny jazz, was found and happened to be what I was looking for. After some poking and prodding the REAL problem was found. 

I had hurt my ligaments/tendons so much, basically like pulling a muscle but worse. I had hurt it so bad that if I had done anything more, it may have torn. And if I had listen to the wrong doctor and had done some sort of rehabilitation like he suggested then I would be in a worse condition. He gave me some lighter more suitable meds and said that I had to give it time. It still hurts more in one wrist than the other and my only option for it is surgery, which he said he does not suggest because it looks like its getting better, although he would be the one to conduct the surgery. What a nice doctor. 

So now I am waiting. Its getting better but things I used to be able to comfortably do is hard. If I use it too much it hurts but I am better than what it used to be. I'm not in a 'let me sit and type out 50 pages' ready but I will be soon. So please be a bit more patient with me. 

Word of advice; dont hurt your tendons/ligaments!!!!!!!  Its harder to heal and takes more time than a broken bone...and hurts like hell too! AND always get a 2nd and 3rd opinion when it comes to health. You can save money anywhere else but health. You can do research but always consult an expert because there could be something you dont know. AND you know your body better than anyone, pay attention to it and tell the doctor everything, even small things you dont think are relevant. 

Ok thats all for now, thank you all for your wonderful comments. I love them all. And I will continue the story I have not given up. Aaaaand it might just be...lemony. ~_^ *wink wink*

(gonna rest the wrists now)

Take care and talk to you sooner my lovelies. I appreciate you all so very much. 

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