⭐Chapter 5: (part 2) Let's go to the Mall...what could go wrong?

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**(The music is currently playing in the background in the mall. Its Spice Girls - Wannabe. Who else listened to the Spice Girls as kids, or still listen?)**


Mature Content: NONE, it's safe to venture forth. Cuteness ahead.

**End of Edit**

--Catarina's POV--

This place is so big! Wow! I've never seen such a huge place or this many people. And the brothers have been kind enough to help me through all this, even giving up their regular time to sleep to do this. Maybe I've actually found a home that accepts me the way I am. I do wonder when the feeding off of me part will start though and if they have any ulterior motives I don't know about.

It's so...crowded in here. Why are these people so pushy? It-It's so much. I can't help but remember Voss' table...those straps...so binding...this crowd...their pushing...its restricting like that damn table...it reminds me...

--3rd POV/ Narrator's POV--

She felt a bit overwhelmed, she was in front and the brothers trailed behind her sort of observing the surroundings and her. She walked a little further; the mall was especially crowded today since it was the weekend, Saturday. People were pushing and brushing her by but some also were staring at her, she was a beautiful curvy well-proportioned young woman so naturally people such as young men would take notice of her. Thankfully none of her remaining bandages could be seen. She felt overwhelmed and had the urge to push back the people pushing and nudging her shoulders. She felt restricted and her wounds were being brushed at too so a little painful too. She stopped and took a few steps back, slowly balling up fists by her side. It was like she remembered being strapped down and stuck to Dr. Voss table for a 'session', like having flashbacks.

Of all the manners and customs Reiji taught her, which she still hasn't learned everything yet, dealing with a pushy crowd wasn't covered. She couldn't think as clearly as usual as she tried to repress her memory. The brothers spotted her and saw her tense up and making fists while taking steps back. Laito could tell something was wrong and quickly made his way to her with Subaru following behind in case his strength was needed.

"Nfufu~ quite crowded today isn't it Kitten?" Laito spoke loud enough for her to hear. He was behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, he could feel the tension rising up. He stepped in front of her, raising her face to meet his eyes but her eyes seemed to stare off into space. She seemed like she was having flashbacks of painful memories, sort of the way a PTSD patient would have.

(A/N: PTSD= Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; in case you didn't know)

She was staring straight and unresponsive, with widened eyes. Laito reached in through his coat pocket and got the tranquilizer syringe but still kept it behind his coat so no one could see what he was fiddling with. He got merely squeezed out enough to have a few drops on his finger, keeping the syringe hidden.

"Kitten~ are you ok?" Laito asked Catarina searching for a response.

Subaru saw Laito doing something inside his coat but couldn't make out what it was.

Laito used his free hand to slightly open Catarina's mouth and seductively placed the finger, the index finger, with the drops of tranquilizing drug in her mouth. She didn't resist the action and gulped when the liquid that was in her mouth. He kissed her forehead and then hugged her. This was a way to ensure no one suspected anything so that any on looker would think it was just two lovers having a tender moment. He held her head close to his chest and began to pet her hair.

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