Chapter 6

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          "Ok, so first we have to figure out who this Kizuato kid is," Jake paused taking a breath     "We can do that by searching the deep web" He looked at me expectantly as if he was asking me for my approval.

          His rationality was greatly appreciated (Note the sarcasm)"And how are we going to do that?" I asked rolling my eyes.

          He probably noted my cynical question so he smirked and said, "Auralia, you don't really know anything about me."

          I rolled my eyes again" What, did you convince people to sell their souls on it?"I asked sarcastically before shaking my head and adding" We're going off topic, seriously how are we gonna do this?"

          He frowned but nodded" Yeah, yeah give me your computer and I'll show you. By the way, I don't like your sarcasm"

          "That's kinda the point," I said" And you are not using my computer for doing whatever you're going to do! Get your own." I said looking at him pointedly.

          "But-" I sent him a death glare " Okay fine, I'll be back in ten minutes" 

          And he was gone and I was alone again. Kizuato... I had first talked to him because we had the same math class in when I was in 7nth grade and our teacher then had asked me to tutor him. I gladly accepted the opportunity because it would be counted as extra-credit and I loved math. Before I had even talked to him I thought he was a rude and arrogant troublemaker but after my first tutoring session with him, I realized that he was actually funny and a pretty nice guy. When I mentioned it to Shay she nearly jumped in joy because she had had a crush on him but never thought she had a chance because of her shy nature. I was slightly weirded out that I hadn't noticed but I agreed to find a way to make them talk. Though all of my efforts to get them alone had failed (he was always confused on why I wouldn't be there, or one of his friends mysteriously popped up) we sat at his table with his friends and that made Shay happy so I was happy. We talked frequently but we weren't really friends and I was sure I had never talked about my family with him. I mean he might've talked to my brother but I never saw them talking. So I really didn't get how he was involved with my parents or possibly Shay and Daniel.

          After the said ten or so minutes Jake knocked on my door with a bag that was probably carrying his computer. I let him in and he rushed to my parent's room. I followed him in and we sat on their bed as he turned on his computer. He moved over slightly to let me see and rapidly started typing.

          Finally, he said,"We're in so let's look this guy up!"He was grinning like a school child who was just told that the whole day would be recess.  I nodded warily as he happily typed away. "Okay so on (I'm too scared to put the sites name).com it says'16-year-old Kizuato Yamashita, son of the famous Sakeru and Akita Yamashita, is the new head of the notorious gang the Purple Scars.'" He read and then sighed saying "There's nothing else."

          I had to try to compute what I had just heard. My old classmate was actually a leader of an infamous gang. This gang also had something to do with my parents. My parents who I had always thought wouldn't hurt a fly, who told me that you should always talk things through, never physically fight were very possibly in a gang, and correct me if I'm wrong, I'm pretty sure in gangs you don't sit down and talk out your differences and then hug if the problem is resolved. After a few minutes of tense silence, I voiced my thoughts, "My parents were in a gang."

          "We don't know -" Jake started before I cut him off,

          "My parents were in a bloody gang!" I yelled this time. "My parents were in a gang and they didn't tell me," I whispered but there was another thought that had appeared in my mind, I didn't know. I never thought about my parent's history, I didn't care but maybe, maybe if I had they wouldn't have died. My throat started burning and my eyesight got blurry, tell-tale signs I was about to cry.  But instead, my eyes just stayed blurry like there was just a thick film of tears over them but not falling. I knew, though, that if I blinked they would fall and no matter what I wasn't going to cry in front of one of the most popular people in school. So I wiped my eyes with my hand, got rid of those thoughts and looked Jake directly in the eyes with steely determination and asked, "So what's our next move?" 

*Akita(Mother's name) means "unconquerable" and Sakeru(Father's name) means"to slit" in Japanese.

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