Chapter 17

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A/N: The climax arrives! (This will span for a few chapters) Thank you guys for reading!

In flies a small origami crane. It gracefully lands at the edge of my foot, interrupting our group hug. I inwardly sigh already knowing who it's from. Why does he have to ruin all of my happiness? I asked myself before shaking my head and picking up the paper bird. Carefully and delicately I unwrapped the folds of it and again I wonder, how can a murderer like him gently make something so perfect like this? On the paper, Kizuato wrote the simple phrase of  'Come on'

I shake and I don't know if it's from fear or anger but I hope it's the latter. I can't be scared in the upcoming fight. Jake who was reading it by peering over my shoulder runs outside and checks up the stairs, "No sign of him." I can tell he's wondering how the bird got in here. I am too but right now that's the least of my worries.

"Come on where?" Daniel asks. Only then it strikes me that Daniel is too weak to fight right now. I had thought we would all go and defeat the Purple Scars together but Daniel couldn't even stand up right now without assistance. And someone needs to go with him to make sure he gets home safe. I shake my head clearing my thoughts.

"Nowhere you need to worry about. We have to get you home first." I said looking at him and then at the wheelchair across the room. Getting it up the stairs is going to be hard, I thought.

Catching what I was looking at Muna crosses the room and wheels the chair over to the bed. "Up you go," She goes to pick Daniel up before he moves away.

"I can get up by my self," He has a scowl on his face and I know why. He never did like other people doing things for him and we were both very stubborn.  But I know Muna will make him get over it.

"No you can't" She states matter-of-factly, " Now be quiet and let me help you get into this chair." A harsh stare from August beside her shuts up all further protest. 

Daniel pouts and looks at the floor but lets Muna carry him onto the chair. Sweetly she says, "Don't worry you're completely safe in my care," And gives a big smile.  Jake, August and I share a doubting glance.

"I wouldn't be too sure," I hear Jake mutter as he takes his place behind my shoulder. I roll my eyes, as usual, but August nods. 

"Hey... I don't want to be rude but, who are you guys?" Daniel asks voice scratchy so, Muna hands him a bottle of water she took out of her bag.

"I'm Muna, this is August and this is Jake." She motions to all of them in turn.

I can tell Daniel is hiding a scowl when he asks," How do you know my sister?" I roll my eyes again. Now really isn't the time to get protective, I thought. As I open my mouth to explain Jake cuts me off,

"Well, I met her at school and they were friends a while ago." He says and then continues," Guys shouldn't we formulate a plan or something?"

"Wait, a plan for what ?"

I ignore Daniel's question," Yeah and we should be quick, don't want him to get any madder then he already is."

"Get who any madder?" Daniel asks and he is ignored again.

"But how are we going to fight him and take Daniel somewhere safe without splitting up?" Muna questions.

"Fight who?"

"My guess is that the gang is blocking the exit so, either way, we'll have to fight them," August speaks now

And then Daniel asks, "Guys! What gang? Where are we? Who are we fighting?"

All of us were struck in surprise. He had been here for months, how hadn't he known where he was?" Today's  October 11th so how long have you been asleep?" I asked warily. I know what he's going to say but I don't want him to. It was just too horrible to believe. 

 He thinks and then a look of surprise covers his face "Since early August."

Of course, he has. That's around the time my parents were killed and he was kidnapped. As Muna explains everything that had happened I look off. When I close my eyes I can see Kizuato grinning. He thinks he's already won but, oh, he doesn't know how wrong he is. I will fight and I will win.

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