Shay special!

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{ Here you go, guys. Some people told me they wanted to read more about Shay so I have this chapter for you. (This is going back in time and is going to be in the third person)}

A tired looking third-grader ran into her classroom. She frantically looked around for one little girl in particular. One girl with bouncy curls and if you got to know her well enough, a bright smile. And little Auralia thought she did, that was why she tried so hard in the first place. Try so hard on what though?

Auralia ran up to the bright but shy girl and talked quickly," Look what I made for you!" Auralia holds up a simple string friendship bracelet. Though you'd think it was easy to make, following directions was not Auralia's forte leading to the process taking hours.

And the other girl, Shay, knew that. She smiled gratefully and took it," Thank you, it's so pretty!" 

Auralia smiled bashfully before nodding to the bracelet, " Go on, put it on."

And so she did but a dilemma arose, "It doesn't fit." The little one cried. Auralia panicked, this wouldn't matter so much with someone else but, Shay looked like she was about to cry. And if Auralia knew anything about third grade it was that you did not want to cry in front of your classmates. Shay was already bullied for her sensitivities and crying now would just make it worse.

"Hey! Maybe it'll fit around your ankle!" Auralia said trying to think of a solution to the current problem. Shay brightens for a second before frowning again.

"But, you made it as a bracelet, not an anklet!" It was so like Shay to worry about something like this. She didn't want Auralia's hard work to go to waste.

"No, no it's okay. See I'll wear it like that too." After some struggle, she got it around her ankle and motioned for Shay to do the same.

They had made a scene in the classroom and everyone stopped their conversations. However, a look of fury from Auralia caused her classmates to turn away. The 2 friends grin at each other and for that whole day, go without one shoe. 

Years later Auralia takes off the anklet and forgets to ever put it on again. Shay never does.

A/N: Hope this gave some more insight on the type of person Shay is. 

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