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Or is it?

Now is months after that day I fought Kizuato. He's now in prison where I think he belongs. Of course, it isn't a deep hole but you can't get everything in life. His parents were never found and Kizuato only got a 7-year sentence but again you can't always get what you want. When his sentence is over we plan to send him to a special corrections office that deals with cases like his.

All of us have just sent in our college application letters too. I just hope fighting a gang leader looks good on my letter. Though all of this college business has been stressful it was nice to worry about things like this.

After getting a new door Jake, Daniel, and I moved in with Muna and August. All five of us in one house is slightly cramped but cozy and it's always nice to see everyone's faces when I wake up. Jake's parents were concerned and worried when he told them he wanted to move in with us but enough of my arguing won them over. My aunt was just happy that Daniel and I were happy so she didn't have any objections. And Muna and August's mom still hadn't been found so they were open to us moving in.  

Since the whole defeating the Purple Scars thing life has been good. Strange I know and to be honest I'm still not very used to it. But I am happy. All of a sudden loud banging sounds on the door. I inwardly groan because I know that this can't be good. After all, nothing in my life ever stays happy for long. I stand up to go open the door but August is already there. " Mom?"  


Make sure you read the Sequel! Around 10 chapters are out now!

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