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Prince's P.O.V

Where's Patton? He said that he would help again today. He's late, he's NEVER late. Did something bad happen? My phone went off.

Patton: Sorry, Roman. I'm not going to be able to make it today.

Me: What, why?

Patton: I'm...I can't tell you. Sorry, Son.

Me: Is everything ok?

Patton: Of coarse!!!

Patton's lying, I can tell because of the three exclamation marks. What's he hiding? Why won't he tell me? I'm the heroic prince after all. If something's wrong I MUST help! I know! I'll go to Logan. Him and Morality seem to be pretty close. I wonder if they're dating...'Cause if not, that ship NEEDS to happen. Am I right?

I speed walked all the way to Logic's room, and knocked on his door. I try not to be rude after all. Logan answers the door, rubbing his eyes. He was asleep at this hour? It's after noon! "Do you know why Patton would be lying about something being wrong?"

"Maybe he's upset and doesn't want to worry you?"

"Possibly, but him lying worries me even more. And he said that he'd stop hiding his bad feelings so that we'd be able to help!"

"Roman, there's also a chance that it doesn't have to do with him. I mean haven't you wondered who this Anxiety, and now Deceit, is? Surely Thomas hadn't mad them up. And then there's the fact that every now and then Thomas has to take depression pills."

"Well, what are you suggesting?"

"I have a theory that there's bad sides around as well."

"Then why haven't we met them?"

"Possibly they live somewhere else? Keep in mind this is just a theory. The only reason I say this is that when Patton leaves and isn't talking to Thomas he's gone for hours, and no one knows where to. Now if you'll excuse me, I've only gotten an hour of sleep and would like to go back to bed."

Logan shut the door, not trying to be rude. What was he working on all night and morning? Is his theory correct? I MUST ask Patton if I can go on his next walk with him. If he says 'no', I'll still go. Just from a distance. No, I will not be stalking the fatherly figure.

Patton's P.O.V

Virgil kept trying to get me to go back so that I wouldn't feel guilty, but I couldn't just leave them. And Pranks is just so happy that I'm here! Right now we're waiting for Depression to return! I can't wait to see my daughter! I love her so, so much!

I hope this hadn't taken too much of a toll on her otherwise I'll have to postpone my big news a little. Thomas felt really bad this morning, like he normally does, about taking the pills. But even she's said to do what needs to be done, no matter the cost.

For Thomas's safety I don't disagree, but for my dear Deppy I do. Why wouldn't I? And if she was gone for good Anxiety and Fear would both be upset and shut themselves away. Dippy, Anxiety, and Fear are like triplets. They all appeared together at the same time.

Ever since then, Deceit was happy to have new friends, and they didn't have to leave everyday since then. Depression stumbled off of the platform, glad that she's back and didn't end up in the original Mind Palace like last time. Every one of us rushed to hug her, her brothers were the first to get to her.

The tension in Virgil's muscles lessening but never fading completely. I smiled at all my dark strange children in a group hug. I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Fear had some how gotten out of the group hug and snuck up on me.

"Aren't you going to join, Father?" They asked. Fear is gender fluent, and is either in a form of a female or a male. Right now they're a male.

I smiled, "Now why would I want to barge in on a moment with you three?"

"You mean you 'five', right?"

"No, I was referring to you, Deppy, and Virge."

"You wouldn't be intruding. We love you. Even Deceit when he says that he hates you."

"Yes, because he talks backwards."

Fear nodded, clearly wanting me to join the hug. So I do. I can't seem to be able to resist. I guess that's just who I am! After the hug I sat them all down to have a talk. No doubt with the looks I was being given they thought someone did something and that they all have to go through a lecture. But I'm not in 'complete dad mode' or 'C.D.M.' as they call it.

"Don't worry, none of you are in trouble! I just wanted to share some exiting news!"

"And what would that be?" Pranks asked.

"Well, there's a ball being planned."

"Let me guess, by Princey?" Virgil asked. His voice sounded a little hateful. Probably thinking that  they won't be able to go once again. Also, I get the feeling about what I've told them about the other traits, Virgil really doesn't like Roman because of how big Prince's ego can get.

"Yes, but...." I trailed off for suspense, "You guys can all go! I got to pick the location, and it's safe for everyone!"

"Really?" Dippy asked, suddenly interested. All of them were, well, except for Anxiety. I wasn't going to try and convince him, the others would.

"Yes, really!" I told her, handing everyone an invitation. I wouldn't have bothered if the theme of the ball wasn't own them.

Virgil's P.O.V

I know Patton, so I knew he wasn't lying. He HATED lying. When the situation calls for it, he lets Deceit do it. Like earlier when this 'Princey' texted. Of course Dad still felt bad about it. The theme is 'enchanted'. I sighed,  knowing that I was going to be forced to go, not by Patton, but the others.

"This seems totally lame," Deceit comments. Am I the only one worried about this? What If something bad happens to us?! What is the positive sides hate us for just existing? A bunch more 'what if's' went through my head. I got up and went to my room. Pranks followed.

I looked down at him and tousled his hair, "You didn't prank me, did you?"

"No, I pranked Fear..."

"come in then," I sighed. There's two negative sides you most certainly don't want to prank. Fear, because, well, Fear can be scary getting their point across. I'm the other one, because I could get a panic attack and pass out. For some reason if that happens to me I don't wake up for an entire day. No, I don't get seizures.

I shut the door behind Pranks and walk over to my cd player pressing play. 'I'd Rather Drown' by Set It Off started. Pranks and I started to rock out. We spent most of the day doing that, after which we passed out.

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