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Roman's P.O.V.

Today's the day! Ball day! (hehe balls) Roman, no, you don't find that funny. You're in a crisis! How could I have lost my music? What am I going to do? The ball is going to start in two hours! Think Princey, think! I could go to Thomas to get his version...I tried to make another one myself, it was just a Disney soundtrack. Which, for once, I didn't want.

"Hey kiddo. Huh? What's wrong?" Patton asks.

"I lost the music!"

"Well, ok. We'll find it! But first you need to calm down. K, kiddo?"

"Why should I—" I was cut off by Anxiety walking into the ball room.

Patton looks over and smiles, "You came!"

Anxiety shrugs, he has his headphones on. He made his way over to us, pausing his music and putting the headphones around his neck. "Hey, Dad. You wanted me here?"

"Yes! You are going to help with last minute stuff! Like music!"

The emo nightmare seemed to perk up at music. "What genre?" He asked pulling out an iPod nano. Man, those things are small.

"Any kind that you can dance to." I replied. He nodded and walked off.

"Don't worry," Patton tells me, "He's done this before!" I must look confused because then he adds, "Anxiety helps me with all the music for everything. His parties, my sleepovers, and some of your balls!"

(hehe balls) Really? Again, Roman? I nod to Patton and get to work.


"See ya tomorrow, Dad." Anxiety says, going to leave. It was time for us to get ready for the ball... But I guess he's not going?

"No. You'll see me tonight. You promised!" Patton said, going into 'C.D.M'

"I did? I think I would've remembered that..."

"You told—" Patton cuts himself off, sighing. Panic! At The Everywhere mumbled a quick 'fine, i'll be here' and left.

Patton and I headed home to change. I wonder if he's going to wear a dress again...

Virgil's P.O.V.

Damn it Dad. Why do I have to go? What did I do to deserve this? Such torture!!

Patton's P.O.V

I'm soo happy that ALL of my children are going to the ball! Squeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Sorry, I fangirled...

The Good and the Bad (Prinxiety fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now